What am I doing wrong ??
Member, PRO Posts: 114
My newest app "Battle Finger" is now online for 3 Days. So far so good.
But in this three days I only get 23 downloads. 10 the first, 10 the second, and 3 yesterday...
How much downloads you get on your app's each day?
I know my game is not the best.. but it's not worse! And I am really proud of my Art.
Soo what can I do to increase the number of downloading ?
Link to my game:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battle-finger/id498752998?l=de&ls=1&mt=8
Lennart Jahn
But in this three days I only get 23 downloads. 10 the first, 10 the second, and 3 yesterday...
How much downloads you get on your app's each day?
I know my game is not the best.. but it's not worse! And I am really proud of my Art.
Soo what can I do to increase the number of downloading ?
Link to my game:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battle-finger/id498752998?l=de&ls=1&mt=8
Lennart Jahn
Give out your promo codes on toucharcade and other gamer forums, and make a Facebook page for your game, and a video wouldn't hurt either.
My solution? Adopt a Free with IAP Model (If you are a PRO Member).
My first free app using IAP (released 1 week ago) maintain a solid 100-150 downloads day with 5-15 in-app purchases (0.99) sold every day so far (103 downloads and 7 units sold today) and my app was made with Gamesalad but isn't a game and its for a specify audiance.
Your game seems good and have a good presentation but ppl have to know the app exists. Try make some publicity in forums like:
Im releasing now my paid game in a free/iap model (already waiting for approval) , I will bring the numbers when get it.
PS: Sorry my english =D
Mine was my first iOS and my first with GameSalad and it was for a client. I did it in 2 months of solid work which is quite fast really. My new games are taking a lot longer and im making sure i take all my knowledge and experience to make a game that is the best it can be.
Dont be hard on yourself is what i guess im trying to say.
it is crazy, my second game made about 80-100 downloads per day in the firts month. Then it went to #2 of Free Apps in Israel
and I got for a few days about 1000+ per day. And now it died
Dont worry...
1) You have the opportunity to use 5 screen shots to advertise your game on the app store. Use them all. I tend to stay away from games that don't have 5 screen shots
2) Put a little more about the game in the description. Really sell it with some more buzz words.
3) The broken link to a website is not helping
I'm not a marketing whizz by any means but these things may help.
Nah.. I don't have pro.. I buy Gamesalad Pro when I get some Money with the my Games. Does Pro it worth the Price?
Thank you for the links:) I will post it on those Forums later.
And Good luck with your game
Thank you:)
And I have no Website yet.. I didn't now it is important:D Right now I am building a Website.
And at my luck I am 17. and still studying. So I don't need to worry about making money yet. But of course Money is cool
1000+ per DAY:D WHOOOOW Great I wish this will happen to me too
You're right. 3 Screenshots are not enough.
But I don't really now what to write in the description:D I am not a good writer. And nor worse in English :DD
And thanks again for the helpful replies
Sorry for my english..
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