Code signing failed. Make sure your provisioning profile, developer certificate, and WWDR certifica

muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
Hi Guys,
For the last 3 days I have tried almost every possible solution to the above, posted in numerous different threads and gone over different videos as well BUT the problem still persists. Was hoping if anyone can help please.
I am also thinking it is probably an issue with GS .... cause like many other people have done apps in the past ... without any issues... however first with GS ..... and this whole routine of deleting certs, profiles etc seems rather pathetic.... and leads me to believe it is actually GS....and the fact so many people have faced it....just doesn't seem logical.... I mean using the same certs, same profiles we have been able to publish apps previously.... now all of sudden you install GS build an app and it has issues... doesn't fit right......

Anyways by now i am quite frustrated with it ... and clueless as well.....any suggestions... with some sense... please...



  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    Hi Again,
    Just trying to bump the thread...... any help please?

  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi @muhammadimran

    Are you using Snow Leopard or Tiger OS? And what's your version of Xcode?


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    Hi Gyroscope,

    I am using Snow Leopard. Version of xcode is 4.2


  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    You need to check Xcode to make sure it is recognizing all your certs and profiles.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    edited February 2012
    Sounds like you're using the latest version of Xcode, although sometimes it's good to check, and update.

    What signing certificates do you have in your keychain? Usually the problem (majority of the time) lies within the certificates.

    Are you trying to publish an iPhone or iPad app, or is it for the Mac?

    If it's for the iPhone or iPad, you should at the very minimum have your WWDR certificate installed, as well as your iPhone distribution certificate installed. (Most people have 3 certificates altogether installed: WWDR, iPhone distribution, and iPhone developer)

    Make sure they aren't expired, and you don't have any duplicates in your keychain or it will throw an error.

    I've had issues where I was publishing, and for some reason it brought back one of my old certificates into the keychain, thereby throwing an error. So I have to manually remove it sometimes because it won't work if you have an extra certificate in there.
  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    Hi FryingBaconStudios,
    Mate, thank you for a reply. By now I have tried all extreme measures.. e.g. revoked and installed new certs, created new user accounts and installed from scratch.... As we speak I only have kept a single provisioning profile in my xcode so nothing else can confuse GameSalad.... from identifying the exact one.... and still it is not behaving :(

  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2012
    Hi butterbean,

    I am not kidding when I say I have read every single thread on this issue :), if you google the exact same message as in the subject of this thread it shows 4 pages in total and i have taken the pain of reading each one of them before i posted in this forum as a last resort.

    I have all three certs in KeyChain. There are absolutely no duplicates, non expired either. Even though it is against the logical thinking but i have by now revoked my certs 5 times and redone them and reinstalled them. (Manually and through xode - both methods)
    4 extra app id's for no reason -
    half a dozen provisioning profiles..... luckily i can clean them up unlike app id's.......

    Great tool though but this issue is doing my head by now.....

    I am building for iPhone .....

  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2012
    Dear Folks,

    Finally a smile and a good news :).

    Firstly thank you everyone who tried helping me above really appreciate it.

    And secondly for someone else who might come across this thread with a similar issue. I had more than one xcode version on my machine - pure developer stuff :) however i think GS doesn't like that - explains why it is all GUI based lol. So I removed all my xcode versions and then only re-installed 4.2 and that did the trick.

    One other request for the helpful techsupport please, i slightly adjusted my username but for somereason that is not reflected....

  • cabelad64cabelad64 Member Posts: 1
    Dude I am having the same problem. I have emailed everyone , Apple, GS, and now some guys in Europe and might have to pay to get this fixed...HELP!
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited February 2012
    See if you have more than one version of Xcode. If you've done all the other steps here is what I would do. Delete all copies of Xcode and then make a new user on your Mac and make new certs and profiles and install them in that new user account as that is a different keychain and see how that works.
  • muhammadimranmuhammadimran Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2012
    Hi Maxwell,

    Lets deal with it in a systematic fashion.

    Q1. Is it your first app? irrespective of whether GS or not?
    Q2. How many versions of Xcode on your machine?
    Q3. Is your Keychain setup proper? i.e. assuming it is iphone/ipad you should have 3 certs.
    Q4. All your profiles (provisioning, dev, etc setup properly)?

    Please give a bit of background as to what methods you have tried so far and what is your situation in reference to above?


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