Alien Day - a ONE day game *** What you can do with Gamesald ***

balsamicodebalsamicode Member Posts: 36
edited January 2012 in Announce Your Game!
When I was sick a couple of weeks ago, I was curious as to how much can be achieved with Gamesalad in ONE day (assuming graphics and sound fx are already on hand). I started from scratch with an empty template in the morning and finished the "programming" part late in the evening.


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

What did I learn from this experience? Most of the time I was searching the web for free graphics and sounds. Putting together a game with Gamesalad goes really quick, so get yourself a good graphic/sound artist or buy artwork. Saves you A LOT of time and you can concentrate your creativity on the game making part.

All media used in "Alien Day" is either freeware or public domain.

Get it here, it's free (Earth is under attack, how could I ask for money?)

Many of you can probably do much more within one day, this was just a little experiment to tame my curiosity.


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