why is it sometimes my images in photoshop save as...

FirstDanFirstDan Member Posts: 208
32bit depth?

I am saving my images as png 24 but sometimes the bit depth gets saved as 32??

Using adobe photoshop cs5, using the save for web and devices tab and selecting png-24 in the dropdown list.

Am i right to think that my game will perform better with images that consist of 24 bit depth?

Thanks all


  • zombieaddictzombieaddict Member Posts: 213
    are you using transparency? if so then thats where the other 8 bits are coming from. its still 24-bit colour with 8-bit alpha transparency. dont worry about the bit depth, just the actual file size
  • FirstDanFirstDan Member Posts: 208
    @zombieaddict - yes i am using transparency, right ok, thanks for the advice..
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