Zombie Castle Defense for Android (Free)

informedstudiosinformedstudios Member Posts: 18
edited January 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hey everyone! We just released our first Game Salad game to Android and Amazon markets. The $.99 one has been selling OK, but we got the free version out last night to the Android Market. The levels have had some features taken out and shortened. Along with that only three are available. It still gives you a taste of the game. If anything the game is an accomplishment in getting our team together. Let me know what you guys think!

I know I need more usability so that it is easier to get back to the main menu from any point. Right now you have to complete the level to do so. When the iOS version gets approved (Waiting for review status right now) I will post that. It will be monetized with ads only.


P.S. can you use HTML in posts?


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