When Importing Tables as CSV Files

EinsteinAppsEinsteinApps Member Posts: 81
edited January 2012 in Tech Support
I have noticed that when importing large tables from CSV files some fields may show up blank. I used TSB trivia template and loaded 500 Questions/Answers and some didn't make it. Make sure to double check them!

I will finish up and save then try again to see if it repeats, if so I will report it so GS can have a look.


  • EinsteinAppsEinsteinApps Member Posts: 81
    Ahhh got it, one of them had two dots for "Naive" and I bet the other two had one of the characters you listed above.

    Thanks TSB!
  • DesBDesB Member Posts: 39
    When importing a CSV file into GS, the data is separated by commas......whereas on TSB's video the data shows up exactly the same as on Excel...ie in separate cells.
    What am I doing wrong?
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    edited January 2012
    Im getting the same issue with the blank fields. Is it just the symbols listed by T-shirtbooth that cause problems or is it other ones such as £ " and '

    Thats a problem if it doesnt do more than a standard a-z, 1-0

    Im also experiencing a couple of other issues.
    Im experiencing the occaisional time where it pulls the data from the wrong row/column.... It only seems to be correct for around 90% of the time. Im also experiencing a strange thing where my text, being generated from a table doesnt always display... I say strange, because it works on some actors, but not on others, even though theyre set up exactly the same.

    I dont know if its an error with the imported CSV files causing my problems, or if its GS bugs, so I'll have to give it some more testing.

    Does anyone know if theres a maximum amount of text/data per field that GS Tables can handle?
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    edited January 2012
    @Chunkypixels said:
    Does anyone know if theres a maximum amount of text/data per field that GS Tables can handle?
    I tried with texts up to 1000 characters and didn't have any problems. I haven't tried with more.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    edited January 2012
    Oh well...cheers for confirmation on that Tshirt.

    Thats me basically shafted on a couple of projects then unless I waste time re-editing thousands of nicely formatted, multiple choice questions , to remove any $,£, quotations etc ..or wait for GS to add the support for them.

    So yet again, what should have been a great new feature turns out to be the usual hobbled, half-baked version that we normally get from GS. For once, I really was hoping that they'd have done it right, but I guess Im just expecting too much....
  • EinsteinAppsEinsteinApps Member Posts: 81
    Seems to only affect it sometimes, strange. Sometimes it pulls the symbols, sometimes it doesn't. If you copy and paste the problem date seems to be fine so I guess it is just an importing issue?

    I feel your pain I had thousands of questions and answers all ready to roll, then the I found out =(
    I think you can do a find all and replace, but I was using it for proper grammar so yeah = /
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