After upgraded to Pro user don't know how to use those extra things...

pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
edited January 2012 in Tech Support
Hello all, I have just payed $499 for the pro account, yet I still can't find the way to user custom screen or eternal links... should I re-download a pro version gamesalad creator program? But I can't find a link toward that neither. What should I do? I need help here! :((


  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Nope same version, you may have to select log out and log back into the creator though. They guys at GS will need to activate you too so if try the logout.login and still can't see the features then you'll need to contact them.
    Basically where your behaviours are currently, there is a pro tab next to it, click in there and you'll see your open url behaviours etc. As for the splash screen, you get to change this when publishing, go into advanced options and you'll see it there.
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited January 2012
    usually it take some time (up to a day) so they can authorize you in their data base .
    Try logging out and log back in every few hours, then check the "about game salad" in the top bar and see if your account is registered as free or pro ,
    after you go pro , the pro behaviors will be displayed next to the "standard" and "costume" behaviors in the creator .

    EDIT: guess I'm too slow today ;)

  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @tshirtbooth thanks for the answer! so my account is not activated, it appear free when i hit gamesalad...
  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @beefy_clyro just serveral hours after i have upgraded my account, seems they didn't work then. :)
  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @tshirtbooth I just used command+q to close the GS, reopened and logged into my account, when i hit GS on the top, it says always a free version, it usually takes how long?
  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @P-O-M can't wait a whole day for it, boss pushing me all the time... :-/
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    edited January 2012
    Keep logging out and back in every few hours and see if its changed to Pro. If it doesn't within 24 hours contact support.
  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @tshirtbooth anyway, thanks again for all these informations, very useful to me! :)>-
  • pascal83pascal83 Member Posts: 14
    @beefy_clyro did you have their contact maybe? In case the process takes more than 24hs, i can't get someone to ask
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Bottom of the page > Support > Report a Bug - From here you will get the option to contact support or report a bug, just select contact support.
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