Gradients looking terrible?

T8TRG8TRT8TRG8TR Member Posts: 120
I just created a few basic images in inkscape and brought them in to GS. They looked fine and I made them the correct sizes (even numbers). They are sized to be retina graphics. The gradients in them look terrible. Is there a way to fix this/am I doing something wrong. I've been using inkscape for awhile and have never noticed this.


  • T8TRG8TRT8TRG8TR Member Posts: 120
    Is there a way to add noise in inkscape?
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    @everyone - You shouldn't have to do that. Do they look fine when u preview them in Finder? What format are u saving? Are they lossless?
  • T8TRG8TRT8TRG8TR Member Posts: 120
    They look fine in the finder and the preview but not when I use the GS viewer.
  • T8TRG8TRT8TRG8TR Member Posts: 120
    @everyone I'll try the noise idea since I already have gimp. Hopefully it works.

    Thanks for the help!
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited January 2012
    Word on the street (er . . . Ok, on this form) is that the file needs to have transparency to show up as a smooth gradient on IOS devices - so try inserting a transparent pixel somewhere on your file and make sure transparency is checked when expoting.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Gradient banding is only an issue if you save your image with some lossy. A 24 bit png will not have banding. Or an 8bit for that matter...just depends on how many colours u want. A jpg with less than ~70% lossy will too. But yes there are tricks with image compression and dithering (noise) too.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599

    "That makes the files huge. Add 1 transparent pixel or 1 row of transparent pixels on the side."

    Make sure you add 2 rows of pixels (one each side) . . . . (odd pixel width / height = soft images).
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I agree with T. When you save the file as a PNG and minimize the cplo(u)r table the file size it shouldn't be to big.
    I never tried the extra pixel trick, sounds promising!

  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    edited January 2012
    and with simpler gradients 256 colour files will work - what you don't want is unchecked palette changes ;)
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