Need help with color management with Photoshop

MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
I tried a quick search with Google but I had too many beer this evening to use Google well.

The problem:
I'm preparing the graphic for my TOTB4 entry and I'm trying to do it in pixel art. I'm doing everything using multiple files and I wanted to keep some consistency with the colors I use. Is it possible with Photoshop to create a color palette (let's say of 256 colors) and use only the color in that palette to appear in the graphics?


  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    I already tried with Mode>indexed colors. The problem with that is that it creates a 256 color palette using the prevalent colors of the image I'm working on. If I open a different image and work with indexed colors it recreate a different palette for it.

    What I want is to create a custom mode that uses only the colors I decide.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    I'm not on my computer right now and I too have had a few *hiccup* glasses of wine... But a few things: google pixel art tutorial. There's a really good one whee the guy creates a character, secondly you can create a custom palette in your " palette, third you need to change to Bicubic I think instead of bilinear in the turn off anti aliasing. And the image bit mode has nothing to do with the colors that you can produce in PS.

    Finally...Don't drink 'n Ffffotoshhop.
  • PixelgunPixelgun Member Posts: 111
    If you change color mode, after the document is open, to indexed it gives you a dialog window with options to pick from. You can choose the web palette or a custom palette among others.
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