My Company logo.

ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
This is my company logo which was made by @StanR
I love it, but I want to mix it up a little, see something new and was asking for some suggestions?
This was inspired by RKS's thread, You guys don't have to make me any for free, but I would love some suggestions.
I like the Dark aged feel of the Logo.

This is the Facebook page image, which isn't the logo but a fun image my other artist Catrin made.

Please remember to check out and like FABLED APPS :D


  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    i like it as it is on top. the bottom one is... (sticking finger in my throat ) =P

    as far as logo hum, reminds me of logo dos (or tres i forgot ) it's filled with logos like this... grungy getto thing that throws me off is how the text is stylistic.. and the back is... blurry? glowing? i'm being nick picking.. for a game it looks great, and your concept air plane looks great too.. how much did u spend on that lol.. looks like u have tons of money to burn if you are hiring artist of that caliber.

    p.s. if you want me to pick u apart i can do it all day haha. but for this type of "style"... it is what it is... it shouldn't be perfect anyway. it's meant to be like barf thrown on the wall by artist that's mad at society haha.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    Concept Air Plane? I'm guessing you got into my Photobucket lol!!!

    Thanks, actually I have some very loyal friends who're working with me at a very affordable rate, but they get a commission as well.
    The Original logo was done by Stan, I donated X amount of Dollars to his chosen account.

    But yeah, I have good artists, but it took a lot of hard work to get them to fit my budget :)

    Thanks for tips! KEEP EM COMING :D

    - So you think the Font Should be different?
    - I think the back is more faded.
    - PS. It's a Griffin :)
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    edited January 2012
    I think it's excellent, Brian. I really like the main grunge font a lot, as well as the way you've joined the tail of the "A" with the s of "APPS". And the griffin as well. (But then I would, wouldn't I?) ;-)

    The only comment I'd make: if this is an iPad or similar splash, I think its "shouting" and doesn't need to; making the words and griffin image slightly smaller would help it, I think.


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    no i don't think anything should be changed, it looks fine. i think it's what you want it to be anyway.. if you take it to a "logo master" they'll just shake their head.. but it fits the context of what u r trying to do and say =)

    this type of stuff came from an age that is careless and rebellious... so whatever you do you can't fail... unless you start to integrate the glowing fuss you have on the background... which is from another another "group of people" that's what's throwing me off haha.. perhaps you can loose the fussiness and just use simple grey or something (i dunno i'm just saying) perhaps it'll feel more authentic.. but i didn't even see that far into it at first glance.. so like i said.. leave it as it is and focus on something else.. and do remember to post your game for us to play when u r done =) u got 50 friends to pick from hope i'm one of them haha.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    if anything... that "should" be changed is the swoosh.. perhaps pay a few bucks to someone who knows what they are doing for this type of stuff and fix the shape for u. =)

    and the reflection of the app isn't necessary... ok i got to stop looking it it... otherwise i'll be doing this all day =) time to get back to work.. break is over for me at least for today haha.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    edited January 2012
    More Great Advice! Thanks @Gyroscope - I thought of joining the letters xD Most of it was all Stan though. He did a great job.
    But still open to more suggestions! Maybe some kind of border around the whole image to make it more of a logo?
    Or just making the background transparent?

    @ultima I will post something just for you to see in a second mate! Thank you both.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    but i'm off for the day lol.. perhaps tomorrow? haha. i need to get productive now =P thanx buddy.

    but gyro is rite.. i didn't even know it's suppose to be a splash haha.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    edited January 2012
    @ultima Splash and Logo :D

    Have a great day!

    EDIT - Just realised what plane you're talking about LOL that's Catrins, it's fantastic.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    @RKS that was made of win :))
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    you forgot drop shadow, chrome, lens flare!

    @ozboybrian and not quite sure what you mean, it's the same as the Facebook box rite?
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    i need a video tutorial of what "no loafing" means. perhaps a TSB "no loafing" tutorial... hey that brings up an interesting through, why doesn't TSB make these funny spoof videos, it'll probably gather a gazillion views on youtube.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    @ultima - The black Griffin one? That's the main logo and Splash.
    The one as the Facebook pic at the moment is just a colourful one Catrin through together.

    That what you meant? : )
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    @RKS lol. because i started using the mighty bevel and emboss and outer glow... on comic sans since last night(yes all together)... i don't want people to follow my style.. not before i make my claim to fame.

    i actually use outer glow quite often too.. haha. but... not for "glows"
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    @ozboybrian ohh i mean the screen shot you showed... you said you were gonna show me something. =). but i saw a red griffin that's the same as the blue one.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    OHHHH... Yeah just the red one is what I was showing you ;)
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    ^^ perhaps keep the black/white one... the otherwise is like greek to me, doesn't process at all in my head so nothing came out that i can give you, but the b/w one i like it for what it is.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    Yeah don't get me wrong I absolutely love it. :D
    Just thought maybe being a logo as well it could use a border or something.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    haha don't worry about having a "logo" by the way i have no idea what a logo is anyway... just use what works and what speaks true (about you and for you). no one seems to be obsessed with logo anymore at least not the ones i'm working with... people's moved onto bigger things now. if google and Facebook can succeed without a beautiful logo how important is it really is? it's all about recognition.

    and by the way i'm saying that because your first image shows perhaps getto english. and 2nd image speaks martian... and people will get confused. speak one language whatever you choose to... at least that way people know how to "translate"=)
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    Yes, but sometimes simple is good ;)

    You're right though, however i'd rather a mix of great things rather one stand out great thing - Brian
    lol :P
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited January 2012
    if you want to simply consider simple pixelizing it into simple black and white (no grey value) because pixel graffiti works with what u have.. but a mixture of things that doesn't mix is a bit oddish... confusing..

    speaking truthfully here.. don't take it as offensive =) but what works and doesn't work is just personal preference.(without knowing what kind of game you'll eventually make, or the audience you are catering to) i don't like it because i'm not your audience, i'm sure there are people out there who will like the 2nd option. and if that's your audience =) it's out of my league... like i said it's greek to me haha.. (or martian )
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    lol thanks Ultima great suggestions!
    I'll use this for the Splash screen and maybe make a simple black and white 3D version (like the Red one)
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