Playing a sound causes a framerate hit

Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
edited January 2012 in Tech Support
Hey there,

Not sure if this is a known issue or not. I noticed after I upgraded to the most recent version of GS that there were severe framerate hits throughout my game. I used to think it was caused by actors colliding with one another, but tonight I figured out that it happens any time I trigger a sound to play. And this mostly happens when one actor collides with one another.

I removed a few of the sound triggers from my scene and, voila, it ran smooth as butter.

Is there a known work around for this, or an eta for a fix? I'm surprised I'm not hearing anything about this in any of the forums. I did a search.

Anyway, if anyone knows any information I would very much appreciate some advice. Thanks!
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