* Duck Up! A colourful challenge-based platformer out on the App Store now! *

coojamcoojam Member Posts: 26
edited January 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hi everyone, I've been a long-time reader of the forums but not much of a contributor until now. I'd like to introduce Duck Up!, my first GameSalad game for iPhone and iPod Touch.

In Duck Up, you help Doug the Duck rescue his missing ducklings in a series of challenges spread throughout levels set in a house. The first release is only small with one level and nine challenges, but this will grow as I release free updates in the coming months.

I know it's only a little game, but I'd love to hear your feedback as I continue working on it. A big thanks to the community here as well, most notably TShirtBooth - as I say I've been a regular to the forums in learning how to use the GS tools.

For now, here's some more info on Duck Up! Thanks again and see you around!

App Store link:

Release Trailer:

Facebook Page:


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