Having Problems with Viewer on Device, Help!

dereklaruedereklarue Member Posts: 121
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Im trying to get the viewer to work on my device, it worked yesterday but today it doesnt seem to work... The viewer works on the iPhone simulator just fine, but when i connect my device, its not connecting to gamesalad (Getting the GS creator not found on network message on device).
Any info or help you could shoot my way would be nice.



  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315

    Did you create an app ID and under provisioning profiles in the program portal, did you create a development profile, and enter the ID of the device you're using?

    If you did all that, then you need to take the com.xxx.xxx ID from your development provisioning profile, copy and paste that into the "info playlist" part in xcode under bundle identifier (once you've downloaded your development profile, and dropped it in xcode), and make sure it's under device, and release I believe, hit build and go and it should work

    Let me know if you need more help

    Here's the link to the instructions, it's cumbersome at first but after you've done it a few times, it's second nature

  • dereklaruedereklarue Member Posts: 121
    Thanks butterbean but...
    I've used GS viewer plenty of times, it just stopped working for my device as of today.
    Every things all good and set up according to the link. Still don't work...
    Hmm Wonder... Any way to debug this to figure out what's going wrong?
    This is cutting me back from testing, and I don't want to publish just to test. :(
  • CrazybreadmanCrazybreadman Member Posts: 674
    dunno if this helps, but if you updated to version 3.1.3 that might mess it up.
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    Does 3.1.3 mess it up no matter what? Or just that he may have upgraded recently to 3.1.3 without rebuilding the viewer under 3.1.3? Only asking as I thought I recall folks saying to rebuild the viewer after each OS upgrade.
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