spawning then throwing actors onto other actors (targets)

shockcollarinteractiveshockcollarinteractive Member Posts: 7
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am having an issue with spawning and throwing actors. I realize that there is much more to my question that will need to be addressed in the future such as the physics involved once the actors collide, but decided to bite off only what I can chew and digest at the moment.
My game involves throwing actors/objects from the top, right side of the screen to an actor below. I want to respawn an actor to appear at the top right and then be able to 'toss' the actor at the target actor below, much like throwing a TV set from a balcony onto the street below.
I just need help getting the actor to appear, get tossed and the respawn. I would like to have the respawing actor(s) change from a list of actors, eventually. For example, in one instance it could be a chair, the next a turkey, then a bowling ball, etc. Any insight would be much appreciated and I thank you in advance.
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