BElieve I will need everyones help.
BElieve a wonderful way for kids that have cancer to get there app on the Appstore and have a free website too. BElieve is a free game development program for kids 5-12 that have any kind of cancer.
I need every one to help me out with this by telling people about it and helping me with any games i have to make.
Note this is not a game.
Please tell me how you like it and any thing i should add. I'm only a 11 and somethings i need to change stuff.
Thanks and have marry Christmas.
I need every one to help me out with this by telling people about it and helping me with any games i have to make.
Note this is not a game.
Please tell me how you like it and any thing i should add. I'm only a 11 and somethings i need to change stuff.
Thanks and have marry Christmas.
But you said draw it and scan it to you, how is that an app or a game?
I really admire your spirit and enthusiasm. I ask the questions above because I want this to work for you. If you have not thought about the questions above (and probably a dozen others) you really should before actually launching this project. There could be some tricky legal/tax issues here.
Also there are a number of spelling errors on the site. For example "marry" Christmas should be "Merry" Christmas. You also have "believe" spelled differently in different places.
Again, I wish you the best with this. I would seriously consider having your parents help you out with this, though.
Good luck!
-Clean up your website. I know you are 11, but you are clearly smart, and your website is an unprofessional disaster. Clean up the formatting, capitalize right, spell right, get some nice graphics, etc. That's a great way to increase the validity of a project like this, and your app sales will go better!
-Don't bump the forums. People like to read threads, but threads shouldn't be bumped every few hours just to keep them on the top of the list. Let other people keep your thread on top.
-SEO your site. Nobody will find it if they can't discover it on Google.
-Target an audience. Contact people you know who might be interested.
Hope development keeps going well for you!
And how do you like my new website
God bless and have awesome Christmas
And how do i make it come up right here anyone know.
Tell me if you like it
And how does every one like the video
please comment