Leaderboard Score Post won't work

bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
So, my 1st time posting a game with a leaderboard appears to be a loss. The Game Center leaderboard displays; but the post score behavior won't post the score to the Game Center leaderboard. I saw some people had similar problems while in sandbox mode. So, I hoped letting it get approved would fix the problem; but it didn't. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.


  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    yet to publish my first game with game center, also wondering abt the functionality of post score and view leadership board.
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    I am a bit disappointed with the current lack of attention by GS to the Game Center Leaderboard not working correctly. I have done everything that tshirtbooth mentioned in his related you tube video and Post Score still fails to post the score. Game Center auto logs in and the leaderboard displays correctly; but no score ever updates. This is a Pro feature that is not working right and I feel like it's being ignored by GS. It appears that I may have to submit the next apple update to my game with the leaderboard removed. Very disappointing.
  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    edited December 2011
    I was also having the same problem posting scores in sandbox mode - it seemed temperamental and logging in and out of different accounts seemed to do the trick sometimes. The leaderboard shows up fine every time as you say. Have you tried people posting with different accounts?

    I was hoping to see the post score behaviour more consistent when published. Maybe not.
  • EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
    This problem occurs so often that I am considering not including this feature in my game. I'd rather have a game that works properly without the leaderboards, than receive negative comments about my game. I hope they resolve this issue though.

    Good luck!
  • EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
    Good to hear SaladStraightShooter.
  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    @SSS - that's great to know and reassuring that it is not due to GS, now I can publish in the knowledge it is not a buggy behaviour.

    Cheers for the great communication on the forums!
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    @SSS - Just out of curiosity. If this is an Apple problem why does it only happens with GS games? All non GS games don't have this problems with posting scores.
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    I wish Apple would get it figured out already. The Leaderboard is a cool feature to keep people playing each day. I have not added an achievement with my game, that has the leaderboard, and have been wondering if achievements are related to the problem. Has anyone had any success with Game Center Leaderboards with the addition of an achievement?
    It would be cool if Kiip had leaderboards, too (when we finally receive Kiip behaviors). Then I would just abandon this never ending obsession to have an Apple leaderboard that works.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    Sorry SSS I reread my post and it looked a little bit rude. However the "It's an Apple problem, not ours" phrase comes up too many times while talking to support. It always looks, to me at least, as an excuse to postpone looking into the problem.

    However to try to clear some doubts on Gamecenter the post score problem is indeed a known apple bug BUT it only happens while trying to post scores from an adhoc version using a sandbox. How to fix it: post the scores using another sandbox account and you will see your score along with the other one.

    Published games DON'T have this post score problem (at last mine so try too check again your rules). The only problem that happens with both adhoc and published games that happens exclusively with GS (I never found documentations of this happening with the official SDK or other tools) is that sometimes the shows leaderboard behavior may become unresponsive and that the leaderboard on the iPad are always on portrait orientation. Other than that so far I don't have other problems with GC.

    【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack (compatible with DBA Icon Creator) 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
    Free GS demos: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System; Custom Font Score and Countdown; Advanced Snap to Grid
  • pixelsweets_devpixelsweets_dev Member Posts: 10
    I've got the same problem with posting scores on GameCenter. However, I have an iPod Touch with iOS 4.35 that I mainly use for testing games with another OS-build. On the iPod, the GameCenter-scores are posted correctly in the game as well as in the GameCenter-app. I even noticed that the scores I achieved with my iOS5-devices (iPad2 & iPhone4) are correctly displayed on the iPod. So the scores are sent to GameCenter, they just don't seem to appear in iOS5, which is a bummer offcourse. The only thing iOS5-GameCenter gives me is the notification that I've submitted a score, it just doesn't display it.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    edited December 2011
    On iOS 5 you need the scores to be posted at least by two users before they shows up.
  • pixelsweets_devpixelsweets_dev Member Posts: 10
    Thanks, wasn't aware of that :) I hope they fix the orientation-issue soon though, I recently decided to recreate a great part of my game in GS 0.971 (based on an earlier build of the game) because the orientation works perfect in that version.
  • PlaceboPlacebo Member, PRO Posts: 14
    I have the same problem, in my game won't work the POST SCORE .... :(((((((
    do you have news ?
  • ThemistoklesVThemistoklesV Member, PRO Posts: 138
    If i am correct the Game Center Leaderboard with adhoc devices have some delays in order to display previous scores but in real app works like a charm ???
  • Is this still an ongoing issue then? Ugh...
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    I have a leaderboard game that has been live in the app store since early December and it couldn't post the score in AdHoc version and still has never posted a score live. GS has mentioned a few times that it's a problem with Apple not GS. I have pretty much given up on leaderboards for now. I do wish it would work.
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    i hv tested 2 of my games with gamcenter leadership board, there seems to be no score updated at all. so i guess we just have to wait longer?? even live version of my game has not make any post, very strange indeed.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    @bren7 and @GLGames the scores must be posted by at least two accounts before showing up in GC. If you already tried to post the scores with two accounts and still don't see any updates on GC you may want to check your rules again to see if there weren't any error there.

    【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack (compatible with DBA Icon Creator) 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
    Free GS demos: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System; Custom Font Score and Countdown; Advanced Snap to Grid
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    edited January 2012
    Has this been sorted? I have just purchased a PRO liscence with the aim of having Gamecenter. I've got the log in working and I'm pretty sure that I have the post score working correctly but I cant see any scores....


  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    @LBG So far the scores post correctly in all my games on the App Store. As I said in my post above make sure to post the score from two accounts, if after that your scores still don't shows up recheck your rules to see if anything is wrong there.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    edited January 2012
    @tshirtbooth Have you tried to post your score from two different accounts?
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    I have just tested with an adhoc made with 0.9.90 and everything is posting correctly. If you post from only one account you will see on the main leader board page the list of leader boards and in the one you posted the score there will be a "#1 of 1 player" and if you click on that board there won't be any scores, but if you have another account to post the score then you will see a "#1 of 2 players" and if you click on it you will see both scores.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    edited January 2012
    When you will post with your second account you should be able to see both scores. Even if you relog with your first account you will be able to see them. This is a known bug from Apple side and it happens also on published games not only in sandbox.

    The scores get posted correctly. Only remember that they will shows up only if there are two players that posted their scores.
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    @MarkOnTheIron - I wish I had a more definitive answer for you, but I assure you that this truly is in Apple's hands. The issue with GameCenter is just as frustrating for us, especially given that it's a Pro feature. We're working to resolve this with Apple and by no means postponing anything. :) Once I have more information I'll be happy to provide it.

    Any news about this? I'm having this issue now.


  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    The same thing. 2 accounts - 4 accounts and still no results
  • eoineoin Member, PRO Posts: 36
    Working on iphone just no on ipad versions
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    edited April 2013
    Released a game 9 days ago with 0.10.2 Mine posts perfectly both iphone and iPad - only problem I have is that it always displays the default leaderboard even though i link to another one. But the post is correct which is the most important thing
  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    @wingmanapps you never figured out the default leaderboards thing?
  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    All my references are correct but they always goes to the default leaderboard
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