Is the number one rule with the editor still...

rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
edited December 2011 in Tech Support save every 5 to 10 minutes??? Or have a lot of the bugs been fixed now? I know I should save often but I just wonder if the need is still every 5 minutes or so like back in 2010? Looking at all the releases, it looks like things have gotten better. I just want to know if I can go a little longer (i.e. keep my train of thought) between saves?

Also, any current big gotchas to look out for that could corrupt the project or lose lots of work (assuming I do save often)?



  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    I work across loads of software packages in my working life and I'm continually saving every 5-10 mins, Apple+S never breaks my chain of thought - its just a subconscious action these days!
    However if you mean Save as... and creating a new project version, I only do that every few hours of work.
    I wasn't here in 2010 but GS still has a tendency to crash. But so far after 6 months of work I've still yet to experience a corrupted project.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I use save as every 20-30 min with saves in between . With GS its wise to maintain lots of backup versions. the nature of gamedevelopment is things change with your development. So wouldnt it be better after a half hour of work and finding your changes are not gonna work to just go back to a previous version as opposed to going through and undoing everything you have done fore 30 min?
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    edited December 2011
    Mainly concerned when I go into trial-n-error/prototyping mode...I sometimes get into it not realizing how far I have gone without recently saving especially if things are panning out and excitement is brewing.

    Yeah, thanks for mentioning "Save As", I almost forget that was a common action back when using GS in 2010. I guess I'll try to re-kindle the old periodic "Save As" with more frequent "Saves" in between.

    Good to hear the corrupt project file may be a thing of the past or just even less common. I know I was really pressing them on that last year since I saw a lot of funky business with some of their various project files.

    If anyone else has any current "Gotchas" (even if they don't relate to GS but just game dev in general), feel free to chime in.

    Thanks all...

    Good to see TSB is still around! Is FMG still here too?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    @rebump tshirtbooth is always been around here except this summer. FMG is not as active as before

    I always save every 2 or 3 minutes, I hope someone come up with an app that press contral s for you every 1 mins(you can set yo the time)
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