***Whats that picture? - Review - T-ShirtBooth - GSHelper.com***

LollymanLollyman Member Posts: 6
edited December 2011 in Announce Your Game!
Hey Guys,

I am writing this as I want to brush off the negative TShirt-Booth vibe before Xmas starts.

Oh and before I go ahead, just to make it clear I never thought I would ever write this about our beloved "GSHelper" - but unfortunately my last experience with TShirt-Booth proved me wrong. i.e. "All that GLISTERS is not gold"

On the 11.24.2001 I received a email from TShirt-Booth with him promoting one of his new templates. "Whats that picture?

From the GShelper.com page:

"Post 23 October 2011
-Whats that picture? - gamesalad template
Hey there guys
This template comes in both iPad and iPhone size.
I will have a how to edit video later today.
This template will be $20.00
if interested here is a link."

So I went ahead and purchased the theme, downloaded it and unzipped it.
However, when I unzipped the file I noticed that the "How to edit video" for this template was missing.
No worries I said, so began to play around with the template but noticed that I do rely on the ever so useful TShirt-Booth "How to edit videos" that I am ever so used to from his other templates.

So on the 11.25.2011 I informed TB that the "How to edit Video" for this template is missing and if he would please forward it.

He responded a day later, "haven't made the video yet. its a long weekend. Ill be making it sometime tomorrow."

So I waited and waited but, Zero!!!

On the 12.02.2011 I contacted him again, asking about the video.
I received "No response"

On the 12.08.2011 I sent out another email asking if I could get a refund as the product was not delivered as offered on the GShelper website.

And yep u guessed it, until today he didn't answer.

To tell the truth if it would of been anybody else on GS other than T-Shirt Booth I wouldn't of been so disappointed.

Well I guess you can't win them all.
I highly recommend to double check with TShirt-Booth before you order any product and ask him "SPECIFICALLY" if "ALL" is included in the offered package, as it seems he offers you one thing but delivers another.


I wish everybody a Marry-Xmas!!!


  • SharkawyDevSharkawyDev Member Posts: 225
    Hey LollyMan,

    First i would say sorry to hear that cause i know how you feel when you purchase a template and excited to start editing.

    also i won't be on any side but i would try to explain. and to analyze it from both perspectives.

    - a Sous Chef at the GS community.
    - and GS helper.com is his personal thing.
    - also he is publishing games for him self.

    im not saying he won't provide support as he provide it with templates sold most of the times.

    LollyMan, your a customer and for sure you have the right to ask for what you paid for; but imagine your handling those three things above especially on this time of the year which everybody will agree with me IT IS RUSH TIME FOR EVERYONE.

    TSB is not an online assistant so i would say yes most of the Dev's here may experienced late reply's from TSB, but the highest percentage get reply's & a satisfied customers.

    AGAIN, im not defending anybody, and i hope you receive a reply soon along with the video.

    ALSO, i would recommend for TSB to hire someone to assist on GSHelper.com cause it's becoming bigger and getting more publicity.

    Good luck.

  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited December 2011
    I wouldn't say that was such a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I've bought software for hundreds / thousands of dollars (even from companies like Newtek, Apple and Adobe) and have found they were missing advertised features, or those features were not functioning / broken, complaining to those guys gets you little more that "that will be resolved in the next update".

    But If you are paying £12 ($20) for this kind of thing (here in the UK the price of just over 3 cups of coffee) I think it necessarily comes with certain caveats, this guy is not Adobe or Apple, he only needs to have a cold / flu or a mother with a slipped disc in hospital and you might have to wait a couple of weeks longer for him to get around to getting the 'how-to' video together.

    I know it can be really frustrating when you want to get on with something (I am about as patient as a 3 year old stood in front of a bar of chocolate with a time lock on it) but I think you efforts would be better focused asking Tshirtbooth about those parts of the template you have questions about rather than lay out the chronology of your disappointment, I'm sure people will pitch in and answer the questions along with Tshirtbooth.

    One question: I was going to grab that template too, is it pretty straightforward to edit or is the code pretty complex (I only really need to replace the images - sounds, I am not going to be selling it) ?
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Really poor form to go public with this. Let's try to be adults here. Unbelievable...
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    Well lollyman, are ou the only one who gets this problem? Because I never heard of that problem
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    I agree with Scitunes - if you have a problem, PM the chefs about it. This isn't the place to put this.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited December 2011
    this was not an appropriate venue for this. if you have a problem with another user , bring it to the attention of the mods or gs themselves.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    perhaps life happens.. you know. with someone like him.. with that kind of track record.. stuff happens in life once a while... so cut him some slack, the free vid he provided probably was worth more than $20 already.. and like you said it's not the first time you purchase from him... even big retail stores have stuff happen all the time. so work on your other stuff and give him the benefit of doubt that something did happen and he wasn't able to keep his word.. if it's some crook no one would have vouched for him, but most of us learned how to use GS from his videos. and you got to give him some credit for that... had that not been the case.. it would have cost you more than $20 time wise to figure out this platform.

    just my 2 cents.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited December 2011
    I'm sure tsb will sort this out, he must get loads of emails.

    We get around 20 to 100 a day from our users and I do my best to reply same day, helping for free when it's regarding our templates and tools but it all takes time.

    You would be surprised by the variety of questions people ask as the knowledge and experience with gs differs from one user to the next.

    Hold on a while and I'm sure he will sort you out.


  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    edited December 2011

    Tshirtbooth has been one of the most helpful members of this community. Period. He has put countless hours of his own time into helping others, and because of that, he gets hundreds of emails a day.

    Before anyone takes this type of stuff to the forums, you should try and work it out with the member themselves.

    I can't imagine having to answer 30 emails a day, let alone 50-100.

    Glad you got it sorted out, but please give the guy a break, he's done so much for this community.
  • BreckenBrecken Member Posts: 143
    Hi Tshirt:) I purchased your cut the rope menu. I would really like to know how to add an extra world to the world selection:) Would you when time make that?
  • LollymanLollyman Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2011
    Hey Gang,

    Meanwhile Tshirtbooth has forwarded the video and has apologized for not delivering on time.

    I have to admit, I did not approach this in the right manner and would like to apologize to TB and the GS community.

    >>>>Maybe its time to think about hiring a small support team from Odesk or Feelance to help out.


    Merry Xmas!!!
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