Development signing WORKS! Distribution signing FAILED! WHY?????

willieharriswillieharris Member Posts: 294
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
My game will publish perfect with the Development provisioning profile, but it will NEVER work for my Distribution profile. It tells me this:

Code signing failed. Make sure your Provisioning profile, developer certificate,and
WWDR certificate are installed.

if they were not installed, I wouldnt be able to build with my DevelopmentPP right??

The problem is, I have tried everything. Reinstalling GameSalad, Xcode, creating new profiles/porvisioning on the apple developer portal, I even made new app ID… unistalled a keychains, and recreated everything… nothing seems to work…
FYI: yes ALL my software is updated.

Development provisioning profile signs: PERFECT
Distribution provisioning profiles: FAILED
please dont post another tshirtbooth-youtube link!!! I have followed them all, and none of that is working for me
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