Has Anyone Ever Made it a full day with out GameSalad crashing?

AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
Made it a full day with out GameSalad crashing? I had four questions/problems:

1. Where do the crash reports go to and shouldn't there be some kind of verification that it makes it?
2. Where are the crash logs stored locally?
3. Recently I have been getting stuck in a crash loop attempting to send in the crash report. It will lock up when it tries to send.
4. I have been seeing more and more random crashes via trying to play my game within GameSalad, and worst of all... SAVING. Even though I compulsive save, it still is annoying to lose work.


  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited December 2011
    i've been using it for a week without it crashing, just know what makes it crash and avoid it. it's like.. owning a beated up used car.. you can drive it fine... just got to know what buttons not to push until it's fixed.

    don't push it too hard haha.

    the only time i see crash report is when i actually close game salad, it'll re-open every single time prompting to report.. i'm guessing perhaps it crashes as i try to close it? who knows.. she's a mystery to me as well.
  • AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
    Most crashes come from playing my game in GameSalad, but for some of the crashes I seriously say to myself Really??? That's why I wanted to know where the crash reports were, which I'm going to poke around a little tonight trying to find them. It's not like my computer isn't powerful enough to run GameSalad, its overkill for GameSalad.

    I think my worst crashing experience was a "crashing loop" attempting to send a crash report. Crashed a few times in a row. Another Really? moment.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    ya playing it in gamesalad is a bit of a push. i always package it and send it to my phone. i had crashes a lot before when i save (habitual ctrl-s) before hitting the green play button, and it'll almost always crash.. before saving, so i always wait a sec or two to let it save. have seen crash loop before too, but not for a while now. i'm on iMac 3.06 duo and mac Air 1.7 dual-core. and my mac air has always run more smoothly for some oddish reason, i'm guessing it's the solid state hard drive. but anyway. it always crash more often on my iMac... but other than that... it also crashes when i copy a big chunk of script from one project to another or from actor to actor... hum what else... crash... oh yes, when i have illustrator, photoshop, bit torrent, vlc player all running full throttle at the same time... illustrator crashes, GS crashes.. and photoshop never seems to crash and movie's still playing.. i've been using illustrator for almost more than half a centuries now, and i don't feel it crashes any less than the more recent GS build when i'm really pushing it hard. So ya as far as crashing, i haven't seen WTF(er i mean WWF as in cute panda) crash in GS for some time now.
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    i have gotten more then 20 crashes just within an hr.
    seems like some behavbiours is causing it.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    Days without crashing: about 15 of intensive usage. The creator usually crashes with bad rules/expressions, bad assets and bad usage in general so not everything is to blame on the creator.

    There's one crash that I have sometimes and it has already been reported to GS because it is reproducible. It happens when toggling the visibility attribute of more than one actor consecutively. To avoid that just do something else after each visibility on/off toggle.

    It may happens that at one point it begin crashing more frequently and most of the times I'm not even aware of it. It usually happens silently while quitting the creator and I realize it only when I reopen it and I see the "Send Crash Report", but a clean reinstall of the creator usually solves it.

    However never forget to save frequently. To avoid corrupt saves the best way is to save various versions of your project.

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  • outsidethebyteoutsidethebyte Member Posts: 115
    I did once. And then I woke up.
  • dyllandyllan Member Posts: 35
    Lol nice @outsidethebyte
  • dyllandyllan Member Posts: 35
    But no not one day without it crashing. I've got a pro account and it's the same thing just with a few extras. Even the iOS Viewer stuffs up. Just gotta keep remembering to save it every 2 minutes. It sucks. We don't even have access to the camera or anything. We really need that.
  • ozlacozlac Member Posts: 33
    I have a neat program that is called ForeverSave and saves your work every X amount of time.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited April 2013
    I don't think I've had a crash in a few weeks. I save constantly and I close and reopen it every few hours, which is a far cry from what I was doing when making "A Long Way Home", I was restarting every 5 minutes back then!

    I'm running 10.2 on a 10.8.3 retina macbook with 8GB of ram
  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    I didn't have a crash in like three, or four weeks :) When I was making my first game (2 years ago), I had to save every few minutes, because of frequent crashes.
  • patapplepatapple Member Posts: 873
    I am having like 20 crashes a day. (not kidding) :'(
  • WTDeveloperWTDeveloper Member Posts: 352
    I don't have any crashes ;)
  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    No crashes for me in 1 month! :D
  • kobayaashikobayaashi Member, PRO Posts: 143
    I'm happy to say that I don't have any problems with GS crashing. My only problems stem from my own slow learning curve when it comes to non-GS stuff post-build (getting all my profiles done correctly, and in the right places, etc.), but for GS itself I have only love... :-*
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Haven't crashed in a good while - But seriously, why are we reviving this old thread? :P
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