We are currently working part-time on our new game, and after seeing many users post WIP project threads, we decided to do our own! We'll be posting a video of the gameplay in a little bit, but for now we'll leave you with a screenshot. All comments are greatly appreciated!
Image of store scene, where you can buy different colored balls with virtual currency.
You can earn the money buy collecting coins that will be placed throughout the levels.
Does anyone have ideas for obstacles that we could implement into the game?
Posted by LeonardDeveloper, contact me on thermoapps@gmail.com
Be sure to visit my website: http://www.thermo-apps.com
Weekly freebies on my website!, Head on over there to catch this weeks one!!
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Leonard
Posted by LeonardDeveloper, contact me on thermoapps@gmail.com
Be sure to visit my website: http://www.thermo-apps.com
Weekly freebies on my website!, Head on over there to catch this weeks one!!
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Leonard
I am thinking about charging $10 per level with just the text for your game and anything else you want it to say, and $20 for the text AND OpenURL so if the player clicks on it, they will be sent to your game.
I will make the images for you and they will stay there for three months (and then can be renewed.) I will also send out a weekly report of downloads to the advertisers. The game will be free if I decide to do this.
How many of you would be interested in this?