Anyone know a reputable/afforable artist?

JackYdJackYd Member Posts: 93
Hey Guys-

Does anyone know of a reputable AND afforable artist? I'm in need of some artwork and have been contacted by a few people. The pieces that I need right now don't require to much detail and I've been quoted $400 for a simple box and one sprite me this seems a bit much.

I certainly don't mind paying for a great artists talents but I'm certainly not trying to be taken advantaged of either. I would much rather have that same person be my go to guy for my games but I haven't met anyone like that yet that is available. Starting in the next two weeks, I'll be needing someone on a regular basis which I can pay weekly for their work or on a project base. I have hired a few people around here on the forums that can vouche for my ability to pay on time and have never "short changed" anyone.

Just trying to get some names or portfolios. I really like DebugDesigns works or the guy Darren from utopian games uses. I believe his name is Chris. Not to sure, I don't know his profile name.


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