★★ Zombie GP ★★ FREE On Android Market now

pixel_knightspixel_knights Member Posts: 50
edited December 2011 in Announce Your Game!
Well I finally managed to get ZombieGP converted from iOS to Android. There were a few teething problems, but as always the helpful posts of users on the forum here manage to get around them.

android market : https://market.android.com/details?id=uk.co.pixelknights.zombiegp
app store : http://itunes.apple.com/app/zombiegp/id461068623?mt=8
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zombie-GP/114862405285862




For those interested, some problems I encountered whilst creating the android build were

* Sound delay, like everyone else has :( What I did was convert what were previous short music loops played as sound, to music. That left me with just a delay in my countdown at start of each race, which still delays :(

* "Cannot Parse package" error when trying to run the apk : I found this was down to entering an actual name in the "Android package name" instead of the uk.co.blah.game format.

* performance, it's pretty slow on Android. Although my android test phone is pretty bad (ZTE Blade/Orange Sanfrancisco) my friends who have better phones say it runs ok just the occassional stutter during a race.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited December 2011
    Looks great and I'm really liking all these racers made with our template, they all have had a lot of work put into them.

    Have you got a video of it in action?

    Best of luck.


    5 New GS Templates & Xmas Bundles
  • pixel_knightspixel_knights Member Posts: 50
    Thanks Darren,

    Nope, i've got no video software on my mac to capture, any recommendations of something cheap and cheerfull?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I use iShow U HD for mine but I'm sure someone else might chip in with some good free ones.

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    I use QuickTime, it is free and quite awesome

  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    hi i downloaded this game on my htc evo 4g and have to say there are really bad issues, hopefully is because of my phone, graphics are great but the playability is horrible, i ran into issues for example track 3 whe the ai cars do the turn they always get stuck, i bought this same template and that issues comes with it so i guess you did not changed nothing on that track, and the other one was after colliding with the blood the car spins but then the left and right arrow dont work fine, the cars just go in any direction except to where i want, and i got into a point it was frustrating so i close that game, so check and see if you can fix that, good luck.
  • pixel_knightspixel_knights Member Posts: 50
    Thanks for the feedback guilleface. I must admit. Never encountered that problem with the controls not working after spin on iPhone, I don't have a good enough android phone to really test on android though. Does it happen every time you hit a blood patch? Or just on a certain track? The cars getting stuck is usually down to them hitting a blocker, again, don't have this problem on iPhone, I'm wondering if gs when compiling moves objects slightly for android? I'll have to get myself a new android phone for testing I think.

    Many thanks
  • kirk1234kirk1234 Member Posts: 93
    how are sales
  • pixel_knightspixel_knights Member Posts: 50
    Well it's a free app, so sales are 0 :) downloads were at about 1,100 this morning when I checked.

  • kirk1234kirk1234 Member Posts: 93
    ohh, sorry , thats good
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