★★ Zombie GP ★★ FREE On Android Market now
Member Posts: 50
Well I finally managed to get ZombieGP converted from iOS to Android. There were a few teething problems, but as always the helpful posts of users on the forum here manage to get around them.
android market : https://market.android.com/details?id=uk.co.pixelknights.zombiegp
app store : http://itunes.apple.com/app/zombiegp/id461068623?mt=8
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zombie-GP/114862405285862
For those interested, some problems I encountered whilst creating the android build were
* Sound delay, like everyone else has What I did was convert what were previous short music loops played as sound, to music. That left me with just a delay in my countdown at start of each race, which still delays
* "Cannot Parse package" error when trying to run the apk : I found this was down to entering an actual name in the "Android package name" instead of the uk.co.blah.game format.
* performance, it's pretty slow on Android. Although my android test phone is pretty bad (ZTE Blade/Orange Sanfrancisco) my friends who have better phones say it runs ok just the occassional stutter during a race.
android market : https://market.android.com/details?id=uk.co.pixelknights.zombiegp
app store : http://itunes.apple.com/app/zombiegp/id461068623?mt=8
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zombie-GP/114862405285862
For those interested, some problems I encountered whilst creating the android build were
* Sound delay, like everyone else has What I did was convert what were previous short music loops played as sound, to music. That left me with just a delay in my countdown at start of each race, which still delays
* "Cannot Parse package" error when trying to run the apk : I found this was down to entering an actual name in the "Android package name" instead of the uk.co.blah.game format.
* performance, it's pretty slow on Android. Although my android test phone is pretty bad (ZTE Blade/Orange Sanfrancisco) my friends who have better phones say it runs ok just the occassional stutter during a race.
Have you got a video of it in action?
Best of luck.
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Nope, i've got no video software on my mac to capture, any recommendations of something cheap and cheerfull?
Many thanks