So... how do I roll back to an old version of GS?

TomCoffeeTomCoffee Member, PRO Posts: 175
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
StraightSaladShooter mentioned that they would make some of the older version of GS available for those of us who are having problems with the new versions...

Do any of you know where I can find those older versions? And then can I just install the old over the new? That seems like asking for trouble :-)


And..side note... It's 10:07pm here on the US East Coast... the timestamps on the forums seem to be way off..heh.


  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    edited December 2011
    I'm iPad at the moment so don't have the links handy but I'm pretty sure many old versions are still available. GS creator is a self contained package and I still have about 8 versions installed! I have even run two copies at the same time with no problems :)

    I never use update and always download the new version complete.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    When you update GS deletes the old GS Version (which ends up in your trash) and then replaces it with a brand new pretty version.

    I wanted to revert back once and just grabbed it out of the trash, was pretty handy with a horrible update that came out a few months ago.
  • 8BitAvrin8BitAvrin Member, PRO Posts: 368

    Slickzero gave me this link earlier. Works like a charm, but I made the mistake of saving the app I'm trying to release with this new version now I'm stuck.

    WebsiteTwitter ∞ My apps are available on: Apple iOS App StoreGoogle Play App StoreAmazon App Store

  • TomCoffeeTomCoffee Member, PRO Posts: 175
    Ahh, great link! ... And, yep, I do see the old ones in my trash. Clever!

    But if I saved a project in a new version I can't go back and save it in an old version? Hmm... that makes sense... But I'm not real keen on re-creating this thing from scratch... Hmm.
  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310
    When I go to that link (futurenewbapps) I get this:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /forums/topic.php was not found on this server.
  • 8BitAvrin8BitAvrin Member, PRO Posts: 368
    @iKandy, remove "feed" part and replace with "http" then it should redirect to feed & work.
    Like this;

    WebsiteTwitter ∞ My apps are available on: Apple iOS App StoreGoogle Play App StoreAmazon App Store

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