Please..once and for all... can we get a detailed description of what fills "Other" memory...

ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
So Ive been working on fixing some gameplay stutter issues in Zombie Pinball.

Ive tracked it down basically to memory management and non-pre-loaded art assets.

Firstly over long periods of time...guess what...the overall memory just steadily keeps creeping up. Yup...I know this has been discussed a million times... and is supposed to have been fixed/improved...but its definately still an issue over lengthy play sessions. Like i said, this one has been discussed to I'll not get into that one for now.

Switching animation heavy actors to pre-load assets helps reduce the frequency of stutter... which is understandable, as the less loading it does mid-game, the less chance it has to bork up. So a slight increase in load times is a trade off Im willing to make.

So anyway... getting to the point of the post.... memory is constantly increasing, and then occaisionally gets cleaned out when its getting dangerous limits... and this seems to be whats causing the game to stutter for a second as it cleans out. So as I cant stop the memory steadily increasing... Im having to look at optimising the game as much as I can, in order to reduce overall memory, so that it takes much longer before a memory clean is required.

So when I look at the memory usage to figure out what to optimise, heres roughly what i have:

Art: 40.5%
Sounds: 1.5%
Game Engine: 22%
Other: 36%

So I cant really do much to the engine memory, without removing tons of actors, sound is as optimised as it can be, and art has already been heavily optimised...but I can always work on squeezing a bit more. So that leaves a pretty big chunk of memory in "Other".

Its been asked many times before... and weve never been given an answer.... so, I'd like to ask GameSalad to finally give us a detailed list of what constitutes and sits in the "other" memory, so that we can understand our memory usage better, and work around it to create better, more optimised games.

phew.... got there in the end....

So I'll hand it over to SSS to see if he can dig out some useful details for us..... :)


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