To tendremer

mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
I wasnt planing to even sell the UI kit on the gamesalad website I was just getting feed back :)


  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    Ok so i fixed it and i think it looks 10 times better

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  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    You also cannot create threads to advertise what you are selling elsewhere. De-bug design had a thread closed by GameSalad Staff earlier today and it was just a promo code ad for his asset site. So If you feel you should be allowed to list the stuff here Please contact GameSalad as I am just following their rules and guidance.

    Please also refrain from creating threads as a way of messaging a single user. You can PM me for any further or contact GameSalad.

This discussion has been closed.