Making Actor Jump onto a platform

SmallBytesSmallBytes Member, PRO Posts: 21
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have tried for about 5 hours now to get my actor to be able to jump onto a platform following your help guide but i can not get it to work.

I want my character to be able to jump on to a platform and then be able to jump from platform to platform.

Can anyone help me beyond sending me to the How do I make an actor jump? Post. Which i can not get to work.



  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    To make a doodle jump style game you need to do something like this.

    in the jumper

    RULE (ALL)

    When self.linearvelocity.Y < 0
    When collides with platform

    Timer for .4 seconds
    Accelerate 90 to scene

    This method allows you to jump through a platform and automatically jump again.

    I wouldn't use scene gravity as constraining any platforms that you want to have move has caused collision detection problems for me in the past. Just put an acceleration behavior in the 270 direction in any falling actors.

    If you want to have a jumper that you control with a jump button do this-


    When self.linearvelocity.Y is < 0
    collide with platform

    When key is pressed

    Timer for .4 seconds
    Accelerate 90 to scene

    Good luck!
  • marzukrashidmarzukrashid Member Posts: 3
    i have a much more simply version I made in 10 minutes.

    when actor recieves event touch is outside (this is if you want it to jump when something other than the actor is clicked)
    when actor recives event over laps or collides with actor of type platform

    for 0.5 seconds check run to completion


    Direction 90 relative to actor
    Acelloration 700 (make sure this is > your gravity atribute)

    hope this helps!

    ps. I have a game coming out soon!

    i'm just like you now, no games
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