Touch not responding

dan89dan89 Member Posts: 21
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey there guys Im building a game where there is a button on screen to make my main actor jump. It worked perfectly, until I started adding a few extra spawns and actors on screen. Even after removing all those actors, the jump button doesn't consistently work, sometimes it stops working all together. I have tried re arranging the layers, deleting the actor and re creating it,etc.
Rules in my button are

When button is touched
change attribute jump to true
timer after 2 seconds change jump to false run to completion checked

Any ideas?


  • dan89dan89 Member Posts: 21
    yes run to completion is checked, I'm really puzzled as to what is happening to cause this.
  • dan89dan89 Member Posts: 21
    I tried testing using the keyboard and it worked fine, so could it be my touchpad?
  • dan89dan89 Member Posts: 21
    sweet i will send it over
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