Member Posts: 66
Finally done it... I have our my very own iphone app. Click here to download now.
...or just search for "PACO DISCOVERS" on your iphone, ipad or itouch in the app store and get yourself some Paco fun.
Paco Discovers is a silly fun, endless flying game that will keep you playing for at least a few hours...
Hope to have more games and apps out soon so keep your eyes OPEN people... Big thanks to a lot of people who helped here on the forums *to many to mention and they know who they are ).... BIG THANKS> !
Thanks to all of you have already downloaded it ..... Whats your highest score? I hear some has about 406 points so far !!!!
My progress on how i created my app can be found here...
All the best guys and thanks again to all those who helped out, from uploading to graphics !
Still on a 5 star rating after two days....