Collision Oddity

LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
edited November -1 in Tech Support

I posted this in the main forum but no one seems to have had the same issue.

I have an actor (laser beam) in my game set to reduce a characters life when they collide. I have set up loads of other "bullets" and all those collisions work but this one is the only one not working. The laser beam gets it's X,Y co-ordinates from the player character, via a constraint behaviour. Could it be that the fact it gets it's co-ordinates via this constraint mean that the collision box for the beam is not updated with the same co-ordinates? This is the only difference between this "bullet" and the others I have done.




  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    I have found what it was. I had two interpolate behaviours on the laser beam that made it shimmer (one that made it shrink the other made it expand). Once I turned the rules off the collision worked fine.

    I would however like to have the "shimmer" effect back so a fix would be much appreciated.


  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Hey TSB. Just seen your post. The laser just inherits its positional X,Y from the player actor. The player actor accelerates up and down using interpolate.


  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Oh... I guess I'll have to find a workaround for my effects. That sucks for you TSB. I hope they manage to fix this at some point.

    Thanks again,

  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    tshirtbooth said:
    Ya gamesalad is missing a key feature that i hope one day they fix. But right now collision does not work on static actors unless there moving. so if you have an actor that grows with interpolate and then it hits the player no collision will register until one of the 2 actors actually move.

    This feature has halted 3 projects i have started.

    WOW WOW WOW when did this happen? i just noticed that and i have an actor that changes its size and the collision is not working , i though something was wrong with my code and i spent like 4 hours yesterday trying to figure out what is wrong , then i gave up and decided to come back to this later , and now i see this post and it explain why its not working! cause the actor is "static" while its changing its size so the collision rule is not triggering!

    But this is on 0.9.82 , i currently don't have 0.9.85 , did they fixed it? are they going to fix this in the patch?

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