Apple Certificate Problem-Need Help!

JackYdJackYd Member Posts: 93
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey All-

So last night I wanted to load my GameSalad project onto my iphone and was following along with Tshirtbooths' tutorial on the how to use the gamesalad viewer. I ran into an issue when I was creating my Development Certificate. I followed the instructions over at apple on how to create your certificate and displayed on my Key Access it shows that I created it successfully but when I go back to the apple center, under Certficates>Development> It says I don't have any valid certificates but in my Key Access program it says my certificate is Valid..

I need to create a provisioning profile but before I do this I need to have my certificate available under my certificates. Question is how do I get my certificate to appear properly so I can create my provisioning profile.

I'm kinda at a brick wall at this point, I've gone over the instruction over and over on how to create the certificate and have noticed I followed everything to the T but still my certificate isn't showing up.

Any suggestions?


  • JackYdJackYd Member Posts: 93
    Thanks for the reply, I've noticed where I went wrong after watching the video. I'll give it a try once I get home from work.

    Thanks again for the help!
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