Gamesalad Viewer Issues

LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am having issues with the new version of the viewer. When I use it to preview my game whilst connected to GS it works fine. Then, when I try to run the build disconnected it prevents actors from working the way that they should (I have a menu slide onto the screen with a start button on it. The menu does not slide on...)

It worked fine in the previous version.




  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    What version of the viewer are you using, what version of the software.
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    I updated about 1hr ago... so 9.8.5 for both.
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Make that 0.9.85

    Decimals in the wrong place but you knew what I meant :)
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Now it doesn't work even when I'm connected. I also get timed out when publishing...
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Yeah. I have tried to reinstall. I have also done an adhoc build. That was working and now it isn't. Just to be clear the actor has an interpolate behaviour, not move.

    It works fine in the creator and was fine before the update. Worked like a charm.

  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    An update -

    So the ad hoc build I did about 20 mins ago was working. The menu would slide in fine. Then for some strange reason it stopped working (not sure if it was because I flipped the device). Then, it continued not to work even if I restarted the application.

    I then uninstalled it and reinstalled it and bingo, it works fine. Seems like its storing some erroneous data somewhere and not clearing it (yes, that's my layman's opinion ;))

    Thanks for the fast action on this SSS :)
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Well, not really resolved. That was an ad hoc build and it still broke. I have no idea if the viewer is working or not now (I had to uninstall the viewer to install the ad hoc build as it thought the viewer was the new ad hoc build).

    I think it still needs looking into.

    P.S - I have just shut the app and re opened it and it's broken again.....

  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Just done the same thing. Uninstalled it, re installed it. Opened it once and it worked fine. Opened it a second time and it didn't work.

    I have the menu interpolate out of the way when you press "start" through an a boolean attribute called "game start". If this attribute is true it will not move onto the screen. Could it be that even by restarting the app it does not reset this attribute (I am working with an early build that doesn't have a reset for this attribute in game so restart the app to reset).

  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Just did a build with an actor that displays this attribute so I can see whats going on.... It says false and still no movement....

    I have no idea what is going on. I hope you guys can help.


  • opaopa Member Posts: 35

    I have same problem with GS viewer. Everything works fine when I test my game on GameSalad, but when I upload my game to iPod, something strange happens. I have scrolling level select-menu. When I press, for example, level 1-button, I have 2 actors that should slide to the center of the screen (Play this level: Yes & No).

    I'm using interpolate-behavior to move those Yes and No -buttons.

    I have uploaded my game to my iPod several times and sometimes only No-button slides in, sometimes Yes-button.. But never together as they should. When I restart GS Viewer, sometimes it is No-button that doesn't appear and next time it can be Yes-button.

    Everything worked fine with GS Viewer's previous version. I've re-installed GS Viewer, but it didn't help.

    Is it me, or is there something wrong with GS Viewer?

  • opaopa Member Posts: 35
    opa said:

    I have same problem with GS viewer. Everything works fine when I test my game on GameSalad, but when I upload my game to iPod, something strange happens. I have scrolling level select-menu. When I press, for example, level 1-button, I have 2 actors that should slide to the center of the screen (Play this level: Yes & No).

    I'm using interpolate-behavior to move those Yes and No -buttons.

    I have uploaded my game to my iPod several times and sometimes only No-button slides in, sometimes Yes-button.. But never together as they should. When I restart GS Viewer, sometimes it is No-button that doesn't appear and next time it can be Yes-button.

    Everything worked fine with GS Viewer's previous version. I've re-installed GS Viewer, but it didn't help.

    Is it me, or is there something wrong with GS Viewer?


    I believe that I've found solution to my problem.

    I had it like this:

    When level select-button wasn't pressed:

    interpolate self.Position.Y to 500

    and I changed it to

    interpolate self.Position.Y to 400

    and now it works right, so I believe that the reason was that I interpolated actors too far out of the scene and that's why it didn't work right..(?) My scene height is 320. But, however, it worked fine before latest update.

    edit: It worked fine with Move to-behavior, so I believe that there is something wrong with interpolate-behavior in the latest GS update.

  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    I have managed to find a work around by delaying the "Interpolate" behaviour by 0.5 seconds. It seems it wasn't being fired as soon as the actor was created in the scene (which is as soon as the game loads).

    Cheers for the help though,

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