Lion compatability - and constant crashes

EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
edited November -1 in Tech Support

I have been running Game Salad on a new MacBOOK Pro and to be honest it has always been quite unstable. But recently i can hardly do one code change without the project crashing.

The project has become quite complex - however even in a scene with just one asset game salad will crash every couple of code changes. And then on restart will work fine for another couple of code changes.

The game mainly crashes on previewing a scene - or coming out of preview. I am currently cleaning up my whole code in an attempt to find a bug that might be making things crash but wondered is it just LION Os that is causing my problems? I know there were compatibility issues with earlier versions, and like i mentioned i have experienced crashing since day one?

Any help or advice much appreciated... crashing ever few minutes is beginning to become a chore :(


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    I can confirm this , I'm having crashes too on lion when previewing or getting out of preview, not sure if its the "lion" part or the "0.982" part , but i keep sending crash reports.

    I don't think its a problem with the code , my code is fine and work perfectly as far as i can tell.
    The fact that sometimes it crashes and sometimes its not give me the confident that its not a code problem.

  • EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
    Cheers Roy - nice to know its not just me. I think i am going to send my project to a mate who runs snow leopard. I can crash my project on demand with ease so should be easy to test whether its an OS thing or a code thing. I will update with test results
  • EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
    Yes i submit ALL crash reports when game salad prompts me. When you get 5-6 in a row they will be mine! :) Cheers
  • guillefaceguilleface Member, BASIC Posts: 1,014
    i have lion and today so far my project close more than 20 times, i got so mad when i forget to save after so many work, now i try saving every 5 minutes, hope this get fix soon.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I'm having the same issue with Lion, it keeps saying "timed out" but the creator itself doesn't crash, it's when I'm in publishing, and go to the 2nd page that it times out on me.
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