Super FunTime Retro Pixel Panda Rainbow Adventures
Much retro silliness.

Will include the link in here once it is released. Just waiting for review at the mo.

Will include the link in here once it is released. Just waiting for review at the mo.
GS Tools
Video Tutorials
3rd party marketplace
Title is like a tongue-twister!!
I remember when we came up with the company felt like a winner.
Although the more "serious" games/apps we do, are labeled as FM Studios
It's usually my mad retro rainbow mental-ness that gets the full Flaming Mitten treatment.
Will get a vid sorted during the week, so you can see how it looks in action.
Am particularly pleased with the rainbow trail (although it kills performance a little on anything lower and an iphone
Liking the box art
not sure on the panda thing.
The game was originally just going to have an atari2600 style spaceship as the main character (you can still unlock it in the game for coins)...but it felt a little boring.
So we decided it needed to be something with a bit more character...probably an animal.
We originally settled on a seahorse...rainbows and seahorses seem to be a good fit. I even went as far as designing the atari style sprite for it (will probably include it as an unlockable in a future update)
But I wasn't 100% keen on it.
So we went back to the Panda....and made is as a pseudo sequel to SpacePanda...kinda
Also.. hoping I don't run into any trouble with the box artwork it's the only thing I didn't "draw" myself.
It's actually a collage. The background and rainbow/sun/ufos is from a pannel from a strip in a 1979 issue of Heavy Metal magazine.
The panda, is a photo of a panda kite, that I re-coloured to fit with the 70's art style of the background.
It deffo looks like a lot of that authentic late 70's early 80's atari box art tho, which is why I went for that hand panted/comic style.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Nothing much to see that's probably not already been seen (It's mainly a reskin of the deepblueapps template)
But thought you might like to take a look at the pixels in action
rainbow looks a bit smoother on the actual device btw.
How about a platform/adventure game next to complete the Panada trilogy
(Kinda makes me want to make a retro inspired game too..!)
Edit: watching the vid for a third time now just to hear the music.
Game is approved.
Have set the release date for Thursday (traditional!)
Although, I'm wondering if mabe I should go for tuesday or wednesday.
Everyone seems to release Thursdays, so my question is :
Is it easier to get lost in the sea of releases on Thursdays? Or is Thursdays still the best day to release?
I have to admit, I have experimented with releasing on all sorts of different days, and not seen really too much of a difference, in regards to first week sales, and features.
Anyone got any insight?
I very much like that thinking.
Thursday it it then.
Will deffo chuck a few promos this way if anyone facies it.
15 Sunday
23 Saturday
35 Friday
But only 13 Thursday.
Hmmm... I really don't think it matters much :-) I would say any day except Friday- depends if you want to be on top of new releases for the weekend, or if you want to get some press and possible momentum before the weekend.
Good luck. Game looks really great!
A mix between Gravonaut and Nyan Cat! Hehe
Good Luck
Seriously cannot wait for this!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
- Alex
I'm now worried this new panda game is going to disappoint, with it's lack of comedy songs
The game is out.
Here are a few promo codes (if you take one, PLEASE reply in this thread saying which ones, so that people know what's been taken.......I know it will be a bit of a free-for-all posting them publicly tho)
(grrr.. universal builds)
Fair comments I guess though.