Long List of Bugs, Questions, and Wish List :S

AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Been using GameSalad for a few months now and I have to say its a really neat and powerful software, however, I hit a MAJOR road bump in my game, which WAS near completion.

I have been steadily adding characters to my game, and when I design them I make it a habit to save the GameSalad file and quit the application. Today the same routine and when I go to put my characters back into the game I notice GameSalad (or whatever force have you) deleted the character actor in EVERY SCENE. Not a problem an easy fix because I still have the prototype. Unfortunately the code on my prototype was completely wiped clean.

I have NO clue how this happened. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Random things wiped from scenes? Even worse prototypes cleared?

While I am on a roll I had a few other bugs/questions:
• (BUG) When inserting images into GameSalad. Randomly it will "misplace" images as if I deleted the source. I have to delete the image out of GameSalad and put it back into GameSalad. In some cases it will do this multiple times. Usually a restart clears the issue.

• (BUG) I noticed that deployment to an iOS device is spotty and causes frequent crashes.

• (?) Any news on IAP, Android Publishing, Chrome Publishing?

• (?) Was considering the Pro License before I release my games for Game Center. I seen a demo of in the the preview window, but have not seen it in any patch notes. Is it really active and ready to go?

Wish List:
• Controllable anchor points
• Folders for Scenes, Actors, Images, Sounds, ETC (Having a ton of scenes and images is not fun to sift through, plus for some reason some scenes do not have any previews)
• Video implementation
• Push Notifications (Doesn't have to be on GameSalads Servers, just the ability to do it own our own would be fine)
• An activity monitor for variables.
• iCloud support (store many versions)
• xCode Export

( Just remembered)

I kept updating my app for beta testers to try, however, I did not make the project downloadable. Taking a shot in the dark, is there any way that I can recover from that project??

I am having serious concerns to whether I should upgrade to the Pro License when major errors continue to happen like the one I encountered today, however, I now understand when it comes to GameSalad, back up your backups. Thanks for taking the time to read all this!


  • AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
    Well I can tell from other post that the technical support forums are active. Yet no responses, comments, agree with that, disagree with that. Hey a get lost out of my forum would be more welcoming at this point... :/

    Have to love the community support, especially when I am deciding whether to invest money in the pro version.
  • mu-kowAPPSmu-kowAPPS Member Posts: 233
    -inserting images, i sometimes get this.

    -on device, i dont have any real problems, timers are a bit off.

    -features, IAP,android,Chrome... im waiting to hear about these as well... can only hope its on this next release

    -Game Center, as far as i know its up and running.

    -Pro worth it? i personally don't think so. i have the money set aside for pro, but will not be subscribing until In App Purchases are available.
  • AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
    Thank you for the response, I was really upset that IAP keep getting pushed back. IAP, Game Center, and Push Notifications were a must for me and I am already having to take a bullet because I cannot export projects to xCode for push notifications.

    My ghetto solution to push notifications is a server side splash screen (if you could even do that loading an image from a website with the Pro version). Along with a pretty link.
  • AnunnakiCreatorsAnunnakiCreators Member Posts: 54
    Yes I have contacted support with every thing that I find. Like I said I like the software and support it as best as I can with things I find. I just started posting in the forums now that I feel I have a solid grasp of the program.
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