Actors become white squares...

DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I know this has come up a few times before - but has just begun to occur in my project today.

The project was started about two months ago and I've been working on it regularly.
Today in a particular scene when testing the game lots of the actors no longer displayed their graphic - but instead showed a white square. A restart of GS solved it for a short time and then it happens again.

Before this started I had created a lot of 'otherwise' rules with an actor in that particular scene (although the white box problem didn't affect this actor).
So... I created a second actor and split the nested 'otherwise' rules between the 2 actors (half each). Now it seems fine again and (fingers-crossed) the white boxes won't return!

Is this a known issue? Is there a limit to how many 'otherwise' rules an actor can handle before bugging out the scene???!


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    If the square is turning white it is not finding the image for the actor. Occasionally there is an issue where GS loses and image it seems so it could be you just need to reload your image. Or if you have recently replaced the image GS file names are case sensitive, so if you replaced image.png with Image.png or even image.PNG it will not find it on the device. Although if it is happening on the mac then it is more likely GS lost the image.
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Well it seems GS lost its link to the images when I overloaded the scene with too many rules in a single actor. As soon as this was reduced the problem went away. Strange!

    None of the images had been replaced etc. And the same images are used in other scenes too and they still worked fine.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I found that when I made the switch to Lion, every time I 'saved as' the images would turn into white squares :(

    It means I have to go out of GS, make a copy of the file I'm working on, rename it, then open that up as the 'new' version.

    It's a hassle, but hasn't stopped me working!

    I believe it'll be fixed in the next update!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Cheers QS, I'm glad its not just me!
    I'm still running Snow Leopard though on a latest imac.
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