My new Game The Adventures of The Red Square is finally out!
Hello GameSalad Community!
I've been working for about 4 months on my first game:
The Adventure of The Red Square is a simple fun adventure game were your goal is to track down the evil emperor and find you lost memory! It has 10 levels, 2 words, hordes of enemies and two challenging boss fights, with more to come!
Here is the trailer:
And here is the appstore link:
Note: The lite version is currently in review
If people show interest, I might post a few promo codes!
Also, I'm planning of doing a name change, it will change to "Dare to be Square - The Adventure of The Red Square" after the update gets approved!
Enjoy and please leave feedback!
I've been working for about 4 months on my first game:
The Adventure of The Red Square is a simple fun adventure game were your goal is to track down the evil emperor and find you lost memory! It has 10 levels, 2 words, hordes of enemies and two challenging boss fights, with more to come!
Here is the trailer:

And here is the appstore link:
Note: The lite version is currently in review
If people show interest, I might post a few promo codes!
Also, I'm planning of doing a name change, it will change to "Dare to be Square - The Adventure of The Red Square" after the update gets approved!
Enjoy and please leave feedback!
Please post when you use them:
The trailer is bad because I did it in iMovie.
Better to offer constructive help than just shoot someone down
So here goes a few thoughts based upon your movie, if that's okay?
To me, there's not enough info of the actual game play, i.e. beginning, middle and end, showing hazards and triumphs, menus etc. (how many levels are there for example) to know how much fun the game actually could be. There's nothing wrong with a game being made up of geometric shapes (tetris) so it could play quite nicely for all we know.
You put a lot of work into the trailer for sure. For the sake of another few hours, it might be worth experimenting on an alternative trailer.
I would lose the dramatic music and the shots of the ceiling lamp reflection as they don't contribute to the game itself and take away from the professional aspect. Just try to be honest about the game itself. That way people will know what they are buying. If it's good enough, it will stand up on its own without too much fancy dressing.
Lock off your camera (on a tripod) and take it off autofocus so your screen is nice and sharp. Go in as close as you can and keep the background behind the phone neutral (plain black or white paper perhaps. That will better show hands on interaction. Then try some screen grab software to show the motion, graphics and game audio clearer. Intercutting the two should tell us all we need to know.
I'm willing to bet you have a decent game there and now that you have your first trailer out of your system, take a fresh stab at it. Keep it short, simple and honest! It could be great! Nothing to lose, right?
Good luck with it and I hope you don't mind my thoughts..... I'm old so please make allowances for me
Like cheap hammers and saws, you can still build a house with them.
So, show 'em what you're made of Rumi!
Cheers now!
Have a great night and start fresh tomorrow. Just be true to your work and the game. Can't wait to see version 2 (but don't rush it now, ha!).
Thx again
Gryphon's Realm
@Rumi: I wouldn't say iMovie is a bad film editor. It may not be top of the line, but I have made a few trailers with iMovie, and everyone seemed to love them. It's just about how you make the software work for you. Anyway, good luck! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
- Alex
Here is the new link! The Name has officially changed to Dare to be Square - The Adventure of The Red Square
I'm still working on the new trailer, I'm just waiting for a day where I don't have 6 hours of homework
A bit of shameless promotion, but here's the Air Supply vid:
Notice that even though I'm showing lots of different shots of the action, the music plays consistently over the top of it!
Hope that helps,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm thinking of releasing a prmac news thing as soon as I make a good trailer!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
My advice for everyone is to not rush your publishing, write out a press release and a good trailer before releasing (I made a trailer, and a lot of people liked it, but it wasn't very professional it is in the first post)
Just kidding, all the best, your game is way better than his, I just got confused cause looks like you guys used the same imovie template, and 'epic' feel to your trailers.
Its named after this poet!
okay back to the topic
Here is my final gameplay video! I'm going to release a prmac news thing later today
1. The game is short (2 worlds, 2 bosses)- BTW, trailer is not a shopping list
2. I can change the color of the box
3. No clue why should I care
If you call your game an 'adventure', where is it? you need to construct a story line, even if it is just for the trailer. People need to care about the square
Here are some more specific items (on the trailer and the game):
1. instead of saying that there are 2 bosses/worlds/anything, give things names and say something like 'fight the evil xyz...' or 'navigate xyz in search of...'. You said that "simple fun adventure game were your goal is to track down the evil emperor and find you lost memory", where is all this story in the trailer?
2. Colors should be unlocked based on something, now you can say 'unlock new content..'
3. Give each color a secret ability that you can unlock, selecting a color/ability at the start of the level will give the game more strategic element and will add playability.
4. Always think "would I run to the app store the buy the game after seeing this trailer?"
Just my 2c,