Why does my game suck?

Hi everyone,
I recently re-released my game: Hungry piranha. I get plenty of 4/5 star reviews from around the world, But the sales seriously suck (ranging from 0 to 4 per day). Could you please point out the obvious: does the icon/screenshots/description suck? what keeps you from buying the game?
itunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/hungry-piranha/id389404487?mt=8

Please be critical.. I can take it
thanks for your time,
I recently re-released my game: Hungry piranha. I get plenty of 4/5 star reviews from around the world, But the sales seriously suck (ranging from 0 to 4 per day). Could you please point out the obvious: does the icon/screenshots/description suck? what keeps you from buying the game?
itunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/hungry-piranha/id389404487?mt=8

Please be critical.. I can take it

thanks for your time,
In the next few hours I'll post a blog on constructing a successful game, I've talked to several successful devs & I'm going to mash up all the tips they've given me and post about it
Thank you, I definitely appreciate it. I will keep going, it's going extremely well so far
About Corona, I am developing my games there. As easy as drag & drop is, I love code, and once you get the hang of it, it's not quite hard.
I'm still here for all the members that need help.
If you ever need anything, you on here you can just contact me off my site.
Sorry I have not yet put up the blog post, I found some errors that I am fixing now & then it's off to publishing
I do not think that if it was priced at for example 99c that people would buy it,
i think you should make a pro and lite version or a version with ads in it,
By the way who did your promo video (its brilliant) ?
Glad to help,
If you ever need more help or help on this issue;
Contact me on thermoapps@gmail.com
Do you have some links to any of your games you could post?
Interested to see your style of game design.
I'll post a La Cucaracha video in the next few hours.
Thanks for the feedback!
I think your right, it looks like a general eat dodge game, but I tried to mix it up a little bit. In the game you need to collect gold to unlock extra fish species, so maybe I need to show that part of the game in the trailer and advertise it differently.
Great article! thanks
Yep its a 99cent game, maybe I should make it free with adds. thanks, I made the trailer using after effects and imovie
not a free one with just ads make the game shorter and not the full one like a free trial otherwise ppl won't upgrade!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy to help, If you ever need more help contact me on thermoapps@gmail.com
A bit luck i would say I got 200 downloads last month.
But average you get 2-4.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Yes I know, but the painful part is the game had about 15 months of development time. It's a fun game with a lot of depth, the itunes reviews the game receives reflect that, but Hungry Piranha doesn't get any attention. Well I guess I should just move on with a bigger and better project
Or something like that
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Thanks QS! that idea is full of win =D. Now the waiting game begins.....
The current one would be the 'full' version.
The Free one would be the, er, 'Free' version. *That* would have the unlock via IAP.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@beefy I have somewhere around 20 testers. The art is really drawing them in. They all have (well most of em) have the beta one installe on there device. They will all get beta 2 tonight.
(as in, all I have to do to get the IAP for free would be to change the date on my phone. Right?).
Also, having two versions of a game would get you double the exposure as it would essentially be a 'new' release.
It's why some companies don't do universal apps. Having one for iPhone and one for iPad is more useful from a marketing point of view (not so much from a consumer one!).
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io