Good technique for creating a 2D Ice Cube?

BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
What do you guys recommend for creating a 2D ice cube?

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  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    Make the friction very low, but not zero, and maybe keep the restitution at zero.
  • icanmakeicanmake Member Posts: 466
    im pretty sure he meant a graphic of an ice cube
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    I spent days coming up with my cube for my upcoming game, man hard to get right. Can't really give you any tips cause its all a blur of trying different things with layers and gradients and such.
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    yea, It's taking me a lot longer than I would like.
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    I did a quick test... starting with a rounded box in a light blue with a radial transparency gradient and then adding a transparent highlight on top and at the bottom and some light fx lines for a simple 2D cartoony icecube....


    If you want to go more realstic I would sugest tilting the cube to allow 3 sides to be seen [plus the see-throw of the bottom] and then add darker shades to show the sides... and adding smooth and slightly blured detail

  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    Looks really good SpriteAttack! And that 3D model is AWESOME! Thanks for the tips!

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