FIRMWARE 3.1.3 for iPhone, GS is Compatible?

venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
edited November -1 in Tech Support
yeaaa, now is ready firmware 3.1.3 for iphone and ipod!!! Game salad is compatibile?



  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    You really want to risk it? ;)

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • jhaasjhaas Member Posts: 233
    You don't want to be on the leading edge of a firmware or OS update until the majority of device users have upgraded. Otherwise you have an app that won't work for the masses and far fewer sales. :)
  • venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
    yeaaaaaaa!!!!!! NOW I installed the firmware 3.1.3 in my iphone!!! and my game work!!!!
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Make sure you update your SDK if you use. I just read that you need the update to work on phones that have 3.1.3.
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    After all this wait, 3.1.3 is a letdown. Should have at least thrown us something cool or fun.
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    I agree. 3.1.3 is a let down. So like Apple. I was hoping we might get a jump on the iBook store or something else iPad'ish for the iPhone in a new iPhone release. Guess not. :-(
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    it's a minor point release right? no new features usually in minor point releases, just bug fixes. 3.2 will have feature improvements.
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