Halloween is coming - Abrakadabra Mix goes FREE for a limited time!
Member Posts: 1,272
iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/abrakadabra-mix/id454187866?l=pt&ls=1&mt=8
Thank you for viewing.
Marcos Riffel
1) In the bottom left corner, after 5 seconds a small white rectangle appears for 5 seconds then disappears for 5 seconds (over and over). I'm assuming this has something to do with the iAds as they were constantly reloading every 5 seconds or so. I've never seen an app go through so many ads (and this was with me not interacting with the app at all).
2) The iAd banners partially obscure the bottom row of the playfield. I can imagine there will be lots of unintentional clicks of the iAds.
I'm not sure what your intent was with both of these choices but I think it's kind of unfriendly to the player's experience. I know for me personally, I won't be playing or keeping this app on my iPhone because of the way you have iAds setup.
- Jeff
App NameAbrakadabra Mix
Version Number1.2
Status Upload Received