Tiny Cannon! - Gameplay video + sales stats (once published)
Load your Tiny Cannon and blast as many red pegs as you can in this new take on the classic Peggle gameplay--but with a twist. In Tiny Cannon!, timing your shots is just as important as your aim!
Game Features:
Each with a unique set of themed obstacles to challenge your puzzle solving skills and hand-eye coordination!
Each more challenging than the last!
Clear 75% of the red pegs in a level to achieve HERO status!
Clear 90% to achieve LEGEND status!
Clear 100% to achieve MASTER status!
Game Features:
Each with a unique set of themed obstacles to challenge your puzzle solving skills and hand-eye coordination!
Each more challenging than the last!
Clear 75% of the red pegs in a level to achieve HERO status!
Clear 90% to achieve LEGEND status!
Clear 100% to achieve MASTER status!

So what is Tiny Cannon! all about? Tiny Cannon! is a mix of Peggle, Pachinko, and Angry Birds with a little Super Mario World 3 level design thrown in!
When are you expecting to release it?
I've noticed in the app store that there really aren't to many Peggle like games...at least ones that are not pure clones of Peggle its self. So,rather then being another Peggle clone I came up with a different take on it and one that I think really stands apart.
Hopefully I can create some promo codes as well so the gs community can give it a go for free.
I've noticed in the app store that there really aren't to many Peggle like games...at least ones that are not pure clones of Peggle its self. So,rather then being another Peggle clone I came up with a different take on it and one that I think really stands apart.
Hopefully I can create some promo codes as well so the gs community can give it a go for free.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
If anyone has any experience or thoughts, I would love to hear it.
So--go with Thursday.
Good luck with sales, you won't need it!
...And thanks Rumi! But I'm still worried about sales as this is my first game/app. I wish there was a thread or gamesalad "stats" page with a breakdown of what games made how much. Oh well
check my Tiny Cannon Promo code thread!
So, off to a good start I think. For the past week I've held a feature spot in the Canadian, Japanese, and Italian app stores under New-Action/Arcade.