My Keyboard Controls Don't Work

TheSuburbanHeroTheSuburbanHero Member Posts: 12
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So, today I opened up Gamesalad, got a level counter working, but then, all of a sudden, while previewing my game, my keyboard controls won't work. I deleted everything I added, but to no avail. Is this a problem others have had? Or did I miss a game-breaking actor/attribute?


  • TheSuburbanHeroTheSuburbanHero Member Posts: 12
    Yeah, I also just realized that it is only this specific scene that is broken. If previewing another level, everything works just fine. In fact, in the preview screen, if I get to this scene, I cannot get out of it:

    Let's say I preview the third level. It works fine. But, if I switch to the first level (the broken one), I have no player control and cannot switch to any other scene. I can access the rest of the program, but can't access the rest of my game.
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