I'm not making any money... :(
The title basically says everything, I'm hardly making any sales. Here is a timeline of my sales:
It's terrible, I need to find a way to boost it, I posted it on the forums, I sent my app into review sites, but still. Nothing.
Does anyone have ANY ideas?
Cheers, Dragokillz.
The title basically says everything, I'm hardly making any sales. Here is a timeline of my sales:
It's terrible, I need to find a way to boost it, I posted it on the forums, I sent my app into review sites, but still. Nothing.
Does anyone have ANY ideas?
Cheers, Dragokillz.
Just my opinion.
The App Store is a tough place to make money and theres no perfect recipe for success but In My experience there is a formula of things you can do to have the best shot
Great Game + Lots Of Luck + Great Icon + Great Screenshots + Marketing = Best Chance
A failer ant anyone of those can greatly reduce your chances at landing the desired sales.
As a developer you have to be prepared to accept that your have failed at one of those and you cannot be closed minded about it either. You will only hurt your self in the future if you just write it off as you have no luck. Look at every aspect of successful games and compare your to it. Your idea of a Great Game may be others idea of a Junk Game. You may think you have the best icon but in reality people don't notice it at all.
Keep in mind this is advice and not my opinion of your game. I don't know what game it is and have likely never even see it before.
The best thing in my opinion is find what you think the problem is and if you can fix it fast do so but if not move on to your next project and do your best to make it better the next time around.
Apps get buried way to fast on the App Store to spend loads of time trying to revive one in my opinion.
Maybe I should just stop being cheap and just pay for a good review. That might help perhaps.
I'll add some more screenshots, thanks for the feedback.
Cheers, Dragokillz
You never want something negative in your description. The users saw bad performance and moved on. Sorry mate Live and learn.
and also change the screen shots and the disc will be good
my email: calvin9403@hotmail.com
my skype: calvin9403
Only need a short intro/description - links to whatever pages you have it on and 2-3 pictures.
See the small wiki here: www.thatgameforum.com/wiki/index
I am working on a larger Wiki, with much more space to show and explain games etc.
If you're interested, send me a mail on annlykke@thatgameforum.com
Good luck!
I'm considering getting one of those special website reviews, it will put my app on the front page of their website, so hopefully I'll make some sales...
Eh, whatever, take risks in life*, or you won't learn eh?
*Except drugs and underage drinking, that !@#$% is bad.
Great icon - get rid of the glossy effect - need your icon to stand out - make it bold and bright - eye catching.
Better screen shots - show game play and not menu screens - the icon and screen shots are your shop window - have a look at successful apps for ideas...
Key words - add words of successful games of similar genre - when someone searches for one, they'll also come across your game.
Lite version - essential - always double or treble my downloads. If you've pro membership add a link to the paid app.... make the lite version SUPER slick....
Good luck....
Let's say optimistically that 1 in 200 visitors click through the link. Then you might be looking at a conversation rate of clicks to sales of maybe another 1 in 100. So by then you might be looking at 20000 impressions to 1 sale. I paid for 90000 impressions as advertising on one site, it lasted about 8 hours and the app got no sales that day. Same for the site with the paid review.
I'd just make the game free with iAds (it'll make a little bit). And spend the money on getting on with the next game.
Sorry to be all doom and gloom.
*Insert Motivational Poster Here*
I used up so much damn time from my holidays and my weekends, and if I don't make any money, then imma make the App make money, I'll introduce a lite version (Or maybe make it free), throw some iAd in there, complete that project, drop the project, get a group of friends, make a bigger project together, drink some tea, work hard on the project, make a timetable, finish the App, work out a payment method everyone is happy with, and last but not least.
DOMINATE THE APP STORE... And make cash and get some womens.*
*Hopefully, probably not going to happen, but it's a good goal.
*End world's most motivational speech*
Thank you all for your feedback, but I don't plan to give up until I get better sales.
it´s nice that it is from a student, but i wouldn´t pay money for a "school project"
I put together a list of marketing tips that you might find useful:
I also kind of agree with TheGamer's last comment, in that you should take what you've learned from this project and start working on a new one. Something someone once told me a long time ago, "don't put all your eggs in one basket." My personal goal is to make as many games as I can and improve with each one.
Good luck.
The icon is not great, you need to keep in mind that all people see is the icon and name.
Try to avoid the Action and Arcade categories, these are the busiest ones.
Just my 2 cents... hope you'll see better sales.