Randomizing animation?

richcoyrichcoy Member Posts: 211

I have an animation sequence of my character blinking. Right now it looks like he is blinking non-stop because it's looping. Is there a way to randomize the time between the animation sequences, or at least delay them a few seconds. I tried playing around with a game timer but that did not work the way I was trying.




  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    In your character, create an integer attribute. Call it BLINKTIME. Now put a Change Attribute behavior in a timer set to every 1 sec or so. In the Change Attribute, change the BLINKTIME attribute to : random(1,15). Put your Animate behavior in a rule specifying ANY: when attribute BLINKTIME equals: 1,4,13,9(or whatever set of numbers you want), play Animate behavior.
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