What about Twitter & Skype ..?

inspired by all the 'like my facebook pages' threads (which I like
) - I would also 'like' to share my twitz and Skype.
Please, if you add me to Skype, write that you're from GameSalad - otherwise I just might not accept you (get so many new weird friends every day lol). And just FYI - I only use Skype for written chats and not voice ...
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LykkeSchmitz - follow me, and I follow you back
Skype: lykkethenun
Admins: If this has already been made - I'm VERY sorry - please merge
Thank you
Ann Lykke

Please, if you add me to Skype, write that you're from GameSalad - otherwise I just might not accept you (get so many new weird friends every day lol). And just FYI - I only use Skype for written chats and not voice ...
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LykkeSchmitz - follow me, and I follow you back
Skype: lykkethenun
Admins: If this has already been made - I'm VERY sorry - please merge

Thank you
Ann Lykke
About building it up - a good idea is (and I didnt do that) to find out whether you want to make it as a personal site or a business site. If you make it for your company, you might not use it for personal tweets - dunno. I do it, because my company is only me ...
You can style your site with colours etc. and use different backgrounds - OR you can create your own background like I did on mine.
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(.New slogan ... if you make it, they will follow ...