version 0.08 bug...Found the Cause!

firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
edited November -1 in Tech Support
A button will cause the game to freak out if it has:

When Touch is Pressed
When Touch is Inside

Switching Touch To Mouse fixes the problem...

EDIT: It seems to need both conditions to cause the freakout.
Only one or the other seems to work fine...


  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    I just played your game and it was okay, but I'm still using the 0.7 safari plugin?
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    yes, it only breaks under the 0.08 version... 0.07 should still be fine.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    You know you only need one of those right FMG? When Touch is Pressed is actor based, so it does the same as Pressed/Inside. (For standard button presses that is)
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    @JGary321: Oh OK, good to know!

    EDIT: Wait, what would I use "Touch is Inside" for then? seems redundant...are you sure?
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Well, I switched all my instances of Touch Pressed/Inside to Mouse Down/Mouse Inside but the game still freaks out...

  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Did u try just touch pressed? That's what I am running & I have no issues.

    Touch Inside - I've never used it. You don't need it for pressed, b/c you are already saying 'actor pressed'. You would use it more for release.

    So maybe the press started outside, but released inside?

    I don't have it on any of my rules & everything runs A-OK here.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    I have some buttons with both touch inside and pressed in my game "A Plinky Game" and it doesn't freak out.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    hmmm... i don't know what is breaking it then...

    @JGary321: I usually only use Mouse Down and/or Inside to get what I want. I must have had the Touch stuff in there from when I first started and just copied/pasted it along...

    When I use the Mouse Controls, I can use "When Mouse is Down" to affect everywhere on the screen. For example, in Stunt Squirrels!, I have a "Bomb Controller" actor that sits offscreen and listens for a Mouse Down, and then Places the Bomb at My Mouse/Finger, regardless of what Actor I am touching....

    Does Touch not have an equivalent? I have to be Touching an Actor Instance for it to work?
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Yea touch does work differently. Touch is when pressed (being actor). To achieve something like that with touch, you would put on the BG, when touch is pressed spawn Bomb @ game.devices.touch1.x/y.

    Or on one of your controllers offscreen you could do when touch is outside spawn bomb x/y.. etc..

    You don't HAVE to use touch, I prefer it, one b/c of less rules. But 2 I can EASILY implement multi-touch. Mouse doesn't use multi-touch at all.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    True about MultiTouch. I haven't used that yet...
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    It's nice. I use it for:

    When Touch Count = 2

    A menu pops up during play. That way you don't take up screen space unless you need to. I like it.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    I am now having issues. It's weird that's its really only affecting one actor. It ignores my click. O well hopefully & update will be later today =)
  • fatmikefatmike Member Posts: 36
    Yep, I'm also having issues with <actor receives event> <overlaps> <actor of type> <blah>

    The <otherwise> cause is always being called.

    That's just on the menu - the main game doesn't work either - I'm going back to 0.7

    Projects don't seem to be backwards compatible - have to redo a bit of work, rats...
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    I would just do what u can, i think it will be fixed pretty quickly. GS guys are pretty good about something like this.
  • fatmikefatmike Member Posts: 36
    No biggie - just glad I backed up 0.7 first.

    Good to see the iPad resolution already available in the 0.8 - GameSalad is a great product, very impressed with it.
  • CoIinCoIin Member Posts: 197
    Everything gets the Touch event, even if you touched somewhere else on the screen. Touch Inside ought to just trigger if the touch was inside that actor.

    Other games are breaking too, Kill the King for example seems to be triggering based on touches further to the left. It's as if the position of the game within the browser window is acting as an offset to the touch coordinates.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Are these issues getting fixed so projects from 0.7 are compatible with the newest version of GS?
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    I'm having all sorts of issues unrelated to touch. I can't even get past the initial logo screen where there are NO touches. Just a single check to see if game time > 1s fade out and continue...

    Other than that I just primarily use mouse down events, not touches.


    Polexia is jacked up right now in v0.8.0, v0.7.0 works fine. :(
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    ORBZ, are you using Constrain Attribute behavior to do a fade out? If so that may be the issue.
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    As soon as I heard about 0.8.0, I used LogMeIn on my iPhone to get to my iMac and update the Creator.

    With all these devs having issues, I'm nervous about republishing Spellcaster. After all, my game is already portrait, I wonder if it's going to get all screwed up. Does anyone have the 0.7.0 installer just in case?
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    I would hope the GS site has links to the older versions just for such occasions. If not, I hope they provided them!
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927

    All this time i have been using two rules mouse pushed and touch inside
    Just switched ALL my buttons to touch is pressed and im good

    This forum would have been nice a while ago but it sure just made life easier.
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Hmm, this is wierd..
    It seems that the 'more broken' part is the editor preview - My game runs pretty much as normal on the ipod viewer, but behaves completely differently in the editor preview.
    Annoyingly, there is now a bug present on the ipod at the end of my game, when going back to the start scene, but on the editor version is still working ok?!
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