Is there a 30mb limit to GS project files?

TobyToby Member Posts: 478
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Is there a 30mb limit to GS project files? I 'm adding some last minute touches to my game and I'm finding I cannot publish to the GameSalad viewer the closer the project gets to 30mb.

Optimised all my images and my sound to get the file size down. Sometimes it will sometimes it wont. An example would be publishes fine to GS Viewer, make a small code change n one of the Actors and that is enough to crash the GS Viewer when attempting to load the game.

The weird bit is the progress bar when publishing to iphone manages to go right across the screen except for the last little bit and then it boots you out and the GS publisher just says device disconnected, and the iphone is back at the homescreen!

Anyone having the same issue? Is GS Viewer crashing?


  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    depends, inever had a project ever go over 6 mb
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    Hmmm, weird one. It works everytime on my wife's iPod Touch (64gb), but not on my 32GB iPhone?

    I've reinstalled the GS Viewer on the phone, what else could it be?
  • eliehangeliehang Member, PRO Posts: 105
    what was the most u put in?! as in megs.. I thought 10megs was the limit.
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    10 megs is for uploading onto GameSalad website / network, your games can be any size to upload onto iTunes. I was a little confused initially too thinking the maximum was 10mb.

    I think it's how the section of the website is worded that is confusing the issue.
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    After a complete phone wipe & restore it's working finally (for the moment!)

    There was some kind of corruption there. Hopefully it's gone for good now.

    What a pain... love technology when it works!
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    after I did the whole phone reset thing, friend of mine said I should have just used the Build > Clean function under Xcode. Removes all temp or cache type files for the nominated app just as if you nuked the device....... handy to know..... now :P
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