Sales Tax United States

MegapixelIdeasMegapixelIdeas Member, PRO Posts: 476
Hello Everyone,

I have a few questions involving sales tax in the United States.

1. Do you have to pay sales tax to the government and or file any forums that show how much sales tax you are giving to the government?

2. As of my understanding, Apple charges the customer sales tax (You would know this if you have ever purchased an app on the app store because that 0.99 cent app ends up costing you $1.05) but do you have to also pay the government sales tax. Also if you don't have to pay the government sales tax, are there any forums that you still have to fill out and just put 0's in them?

Thanks everyone!


  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    you don't have to pay sales tax, since basically what you do is you do contract work for apple, sort of like contract programmer, apple pays sales tax, all you do is to pay your personal income tax.
  • MegapixelIdeasMegapixelIdeas Member, PRO Posts: 476
    Interesting, This is what I was thinking. I was mostly wondering if you still had to file any forms to the government and just state that you are not paying sales tax. If I remember correctly, did you say that you are a business consultant on another forum?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    just want to confim ultima is right. You just declare the money you earned from apple on your income taxes, you dont have to do sales tax or none of that
  • MegapixelIdeasMegapixelIdeas Member, PRO Posts: 476
    ok, Income tax is going to be a little more complicated for me being I am a company though.
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