GS Should change the publishing process

fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I think that GS should change publishing process and stop forcing users to update to latest versions to be able to publish.
There's a lot of changes in each version and many games/apps stop working or are working incorrectly on newer versions.
So in fact, no one knows if his game will work when he finish it and GS will be updated meanwhile.

I was forced to start my game from scratch when updated from 9.4 to 9.5, because 9.5 broke ability to make parallax scrolling using camera origin attribute(GS just freeze).
Now in 9.6 there are other problems ,things which works on9.5 now stops working.

I understand that the software is in beta stage and just because of this there should be possibility to publish with older versions.

Not to mention that I paid for pro version and with each update my hard work is nearly useless and I have to put a lot of work and nerves to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Its part of usig beta software. And don't take this wrong but buying pro doesn't not get you a better GS experience it just gives you some extra features.
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    It is beta software, true. But I agree with fenix here, GS shouldn't be making projects unworkable overnight with a single update!
    Its a tricky one I realise, and to progress changes and compromises always have to be made - but I feel for the people who see months of work invalidated in a single update.
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    there is really no reason they can't keep old versions of the publishing server around. You should be able to select which version of GS you want to publish for and on the server side it should autodetect what version of GS is sending the request and select the matching server version component.

    Even better, I would like to see the publishing server concept go away. I want to build the binary right here on my Mac, there is absolutely no reason I should need to send it to their server. That solves the whole headache of versioning right there in one fell swoop.
  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    Oh no,

    I have a huge 100 level game that I was going to publish next week. I hope that it doesn't get messed up. Im going to back it up 10 times right now...
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    ORBZ said:
    there is really no reason they can't keep old versions of the publishing server around. You should be able to select which version of GS you want to publish for and on the server side it should autodetect what version of GS is sending the request and select the matching server version component.

    Even better, I would like to see the publishing server concept go away. I want to build the binary right here on my Mac, there is absolutely no reason I should need to send it to their server. That solves the whole headache of versioning right there in one fell swoop.

    Your Definitely Right they should be able to do it. They used to keep the previous version active along side the current version for at least a month. But That all ended with 0.9.0 so id say they have some sort of legit reason to stop doing it. Don't know why just saying. :)
  • Alien8Alien8 Member Posts: 37
    GS has been a beta software for a loooooong time.
  • MegapixelIdeasMegapixelIdeas Member, PRO Posts: 476
    I agree. I don't like the fact that we have to publish through Gamesalad's servers. I would like to be able to publish locally or export the game to xcode. It would be nice to export the game to xcode for a few reasons. 1. You could learn how programming works. I have always wanted to know what a fully completed iphone app looks like in xcode. And 2. You could possibly add some stuff in xcode that is currently not available with Gamesalad.
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